
Only a teenager or a 20 something social degenerate would do something like this. There are so many other ways that porn could be used as a prank. Don't mess with big bird.

Abolishing the fed is an interesting concept since I never believed that Nixon's changes were a good thing but unfortunately Ron Paul and the other Libertarians don't realize that part of the problem is also the neoliberal paradigm. He wants a fairer economic system, but this "let the market decide" attitude leads to

These personal attacks, on what is essentially children coming to grips with the fact that they have no voice in a country whose leaders can't even run the show, have nothing to do with the essential argument. They just lack the experience and organization to fully realize these points.

Your little fact that America has the most value per person is a misleading statitic as you are assuming that this wealth is spread out amongst all these people evenly. Stop being sensational. Your "American dream" is a marketing ploy they fed you in the 50s to back their consumer based economy. You do realize there

But what about when those businesses who receive public money that helped pay for those salaries? I don't think you thought this argument out completely. Most protestors aren't asking for an end to business and capitalism. They are asking for increased regulations to ensure the public doesn't get screwed again by

Yeh fun, but once you get one you'll be screwed if you're one of those guys who gets hooked on hobbies really easy. Damn that is a sweet video, I really want this.

The RAM is good for multitasking though which is what happens on a phone if you want to quickly switch apps.

Immunity is also bred into our genes to my knowledge.

Yeh sometimes respringing doesn't do a full reboot, but many other times it does. I cross my fingers every time I try to add something to SBsettings.

Damn, I wish I picked up a couple of these at $99. I wouldn't mind taking one a part for a project and putting Android on the other.

What if that person's your wife and now you're plunged into an existential crisis with love on one side and law and order on the other.

Ryan Gosling, because he's in every movie.

Hopefully whoever drops 6500k on this has the speakers and resolution to even reach the capability of this amp. I think this goes way over humanly possible, but it sure does look purdy.

Mom's do like e-readers. My Mom got a crappy sony one because she doesn't know better. I'm sure she'd love the fire.

I'm not doubting that he feels it was an important experience that added to his character. But the fact still remains that it is not ironic for Apple to deny weed apps. Because it's a business, run like a business without consideration for the time Jobs dropped a couple dubs and gave a presentation to the reptile

Yeh because I'm sure Steve Jobs makes his business decisions based on his college experimentation.

This happens a lot and it puts pilots at risk of crashing, so yeh of course they are arresting them now. You all may not be aware that this happens a lot and that it actually can blind you momentarily while flying.

It's not just Iran but many security specialists who have agreed with the claim. And yes, Journalists do learn to speculate based on evidence. All part of the toolbox.

I came here for 2 replies and only got one :/

Funny because the department pretty much told me to go F off lol.