Those jobs will be phazed out with automation and A.I. They already have self-driving cars. Goodbye local long run cab service. Where are those people going to go for work.
Those jobs will be phazed out with automation and A.I. They already have self-driving cars. Goodbye local long run cab service. Where are those people going to go for work.
100% Agree. If you don’t you’re a jaded college student or recent grad who has yet to crash how things work. They are going after encryption and weed with Trump appointments. They’ll defund everything and leave the middle class fighting the same identity politics for generations. Or you know you could vote “your…
You’re just splitting the vote. In Canada people voted Trudeau even though they liked the other parties, just to stop the Conservative Harper. Vote anything but Hillary and expect a Trump presidency with Boris running the UK.
This sounds more like their way of testing out hitting a moving target in space to prepare for humanities next arm race.
Well then you simply don't understand how things work then, end of story. Facebook does not create the content and you are having a hard time dealing with someone pointing out your contradiction. Judging by the rest of your comments in your profile you seem to just whine and argue with other people. You need to chill…
The good thing is you can set it to turn off which is good for us forgetful sleepyheads.
I would also like to put one vote towards the Extreme Q. It's not as "pretty" as the volcano but it's still amazing and extremely efficient. The less amount of bud you put in the better it works. Literally all you need is a pinch for a full bag. The remote control comes in handy if you live in an apartment where your…
Yeh it is different. If you work in the industry you would realize that front-end/back-end coding is different than community driven content. One is the structure the other is the audience. This might be the reason why you are having such a hard time understanding. Perhaps a book might suit you?
I'm not arguing semantics, you just refuse to admit that you don't know how Facebook works. By your definition all TV shows should be considered advertising companies because they allow product placement in their programming. Not my fault your tiny brain is having a hard time grasping this concept.
But you have it wrong again. Facebook doesn't create the content, as you write, the users do. Facebook creates the code and algorithms that sort and index this information for people to view. Code is a huge part of technology and that is what makes this a tech company. Many tech companies rely on advertising as a form…
It has less to do with daddy issues and more to do with poverty and having no other course of action but to let a creepy old dude like yourself pick her up.
You can construe it all you want but Facebook has always been a social media company which is related to technology. Advertising is just part of their revenue model. It's like saying a game in the App Store is an advertising company because they generate revenue by selling Adspace on the top of their Apps.
There's no way the 1st and 2nd ones are any uglier than those hideous red ones in 3rd. The flat band looks like some cheap 80s design gone wrong.
This article is "tech related" ya dumbwit. You just contradicted yourself.
I dont get it. You're biracial but have people assume you're white with an asian fetish? Wouldn't most people assume you were asian because of the skin color?
Sure it does lots of asian guys i know have hot white girlfriends
It actually isn't that much. Drug mules in Europe and coming out of S. America swallow large balloons of drugs in far greater numbers sometimes filling up the intestine.
You need to wake up and realize that if your kid is 14 he's a teenager and he's already obsessing over sex as it's a natural part of growing up. You may think that other kids and your son are not "preoccupied" with this stuff but you're wrong. They are, they just don't tell their friends Mom about it. What teenager…
I bet you're such a fun lay. Do you put latex gloves on before diving in?
You obviously have never been in a close long-term relationship where you live with someone. It would be impossible for your girlfriend to never fart. Are you going to send her out to the alleyway to take her morning dumps so Mr. Baby can go on living without hearing a girl fart? lols.