
Those jobs will be phazed out with automation and A.I. They already have self-driving cars. Goodbye local long run cab service. Where are those people going to go for work.

How many idiots are going to ask the same question as you. And then we say you are confused with your personal property which you can do whatever with and a business that you accept fee’s for a service. It’s against federal and state law to discriminate against someone from using your business based on their skin. As

^^^^^^^^ READ THIS trump supporters.

It pisses me off that people are so stupid they can’t realize the difference, but than again they elected trump.

Perhaps you don’t understand the difference between private property and operating a business on said property. I know it’s hard for you that you can’t just outright tell colored people to get outta your bar. People like you are the destruction of America.

If they aren’t racist they are a racist apologist. Stop making excuses for the scam artist trump who doesn’t pay his contractors and his failed businesses leave 1000s unemployed.

The fine comes from refusing her service because of her ethnicity. You can’t just outright deny someone like that. No you don’t have the freedom to run a business and then refuse business to those whose skin color you don’t like. Freedom doesn’t give you the right to take someone else’s freedom away.

100% Agree. If you don’t you’re a jaded college student or recent grad who has yet to crash how things work. They are going after encryption and weed with Trump appointments. They’ll defund everything and leave the middle class fighting the same identity politics for generations. Or you know you could vote “your

The style looks like someone who has been watching too much GoT trying for a 90's clubkid look.

It’s very clear this could be weaponized into spearphish and whaling campaigns. Along with cross-site request forgerys aka session jacking, or hacking a website that people visit alot like a driver download website and they hide the exploit in javascript that just loads when you visit the page if you are vulnerable

That doesn’t protect you against something like a cross-site request forgery where links and code are hidden in the url of a perfect copy of an email you trust. Or by getting hit by going to a shitty website and they have it stuck in the iframes.

Perspective: This would be like releasing a movie poster in the US that photoshopped Florida onto Colorado and pretended all the people were the same.

There’s a reported flaw in those Wincor-Nixdorf found by a german researcher easily found on google. Researcher’s card+keypad combo caused the machine to boot and start to update, and information like branch number, firewall settings, serials etc were gleaned. Someone out there most have found out how to program the

You’re just splitting the vote. In Canada people voted Trudeau even though they liked the other parties, just to stop the Conservative Harper. Vote anything but Hillary and expect a Trump presidency with Boris running the UK.

Blame the parents not the zoo keepers.

This sounds more like their way of testing out hitting a moving target in space to prepare for humanities next arm race.

I gave the show to episode 3 and it was just getting way too cheezy with this video game plot. They just use it as a cheap alternative to props, costumes and actors. Bad cg and cheesy conversation.

The Nexus 6 loads browser data just as fast as my Macbook.

People should also note since instagram photos = bad press for their "sport" it's quite obvious they would have a law in place to take down the biggest proponent against their "sport." But it's good they have these anti-mobile laws in place to protect these innocent runners from a rampaging abused bull.

Exactly, because someone on their mobile can make someone trip, than another person trips, and before you know it you have an entire pile of people with the ones on the bottom becoming seriously injured.