
It's funny how people get this perception of the French as being weak, but their culture is so hardcore. Look what the students did when they tried to mess with some laws, they lit the country on fire pretty much. Not to mention if you meet some French while travelling, they most likely will have you smoking hash and

Good call Giz. Drain You was my favourite song off the Nevermind album, and I was a major fan back in the day.

Your argument is just a bunch of wild assumptions and observations. Killing a chicken is not the same as killing a shark if you consider how sharks carry a role in regulating the oceans. Chickens are just part of the industrial process, if anything it posses more health risks to humans by industrializing chickens like

She could feel you staring at her chest through the computer monitor.

Too bad we couldn't equip Sperm Whales with some biosensors and let them protect the sharks and dolphins.

Mainland Chinese are more likely to be ignorant and think that Shark Fin soup is good for you and high class, so over there it's a crazy uphill battle. Starting with the N.American raised and educated is a good place to focus.

So what would happen if you laid in a bed of these beatles?

Yup, and in countries where codeine is sold over the counter with Acetaminophen, people use a Cold water extraction method to get the Codeine out. It's how people get hooked and move onto Oxycodone and then heroin, and then the street corner.

You're an idiot if you missed what I was getting at. Lots of employers check social media and some won't even hire you if you don't use it. At least for certain industries anyways. I know a young guy in broadcast who swindles away the proper use of his FB profile by posting fart jokes and borderline sexist "funny"

I thought time did have an effect on space. I always thought of it this way. Since the big bang the theory is that the Universe is constantly expanding outwards.The two are related to each other. If it was humanly possible to travel fast enough, you would go back in time.

Blacking out is when the bodies CNS is starting to shut down. It's a part of the addiction and also part of the brain damaging process of drinking too much.

They got tinctures where you can put a drop under your tongue. I know lots of people who supplement their health with such things rather than going on Tylenol regiments or taking sleeping aids. Some of those chems can really be rough on you, and especially if you have a bad liver, Tylenol is something you want to stay

Make it watch TMZ and eTalk.

"Friends can listen to song together live."

Thats why you propagate your feeds with interesting news bits, reasonable debate and interesting articles. Or anything else that makes you look interesting in your field of work.

Having the gmail app on the Android phone means you can pop open your inbox with a click. It's slower to make a shortcut to the gmail website and have it load in a browser. Also the app is optimized for mobile use so everything is formatted better and the menu system is easier to access.

Also good for Professor "I'm done with this semester" auto-reply messages.

I find old people have a hard time registering their touch input on smart phone screens.

Even before that, remember when rich people used to have phones installed into their car with an antenna on the back of the roof. Just thinking about that cord phone attached to a unit next to the handbrake makes me laugh.

My paradox circuit is on overload! Bleep bloop.