
You sound like a douchebag. This was a pretty big thing in Vancouver and no one was happy. One of the cops involved in this case, who killed this polish guy, ended up killing a f'ing kid while drunk driving months later. He had his own kids in the back seat and drove off, leaving the teenager there to die.

yeh I'd rather a cop tackle someone and or club them a couple times to take them out then use this kind of weapon. I would also prefer that to happen to myself. I'd rather take a knock and be handcuffed than electrocuted. People die from this in stressful situations. I'm not saying some cops don't use them wisely to

You guys do understand that these will mainly be used as toys for cops to hit protestors, teenagers and grandmothers. How many innocent people need to die or be abused?

the skyfire browser allows you to select view page as desktop or mobile version in the settings. Or if you're jailbroken there is an sbsettings you can get that will do the same.

Well if they found out the algorithm wouldn't that have created unique codes that Microsoft wouldn't be able to trace unless someone went crazy and purchased +1,000? If someone just did it a few times i doubt they would know or be able to find a log somewhere. They could possibly get the websites server log but that's

Everyone knows this is what happens

@Trystian: Mobile service was off on Jan 26 and than began to start up the last few days but will be off again for the planed protests on Tuesday, Feb 1st in order to cause more chaos and deny people the basic right to share what is happening on the streets.

@Zubieta: to think people actually tried to code back in the day. Now people are just triforcing like it's a talent.

@Geph_knows_best: Can't believe you gadget pig troughs thought that was funny.

@Ali Malik Al-Azzawi: This is exactly it. The movement was gaining momentum and by stopping all communications the government was able to create chaos and then claim that they are there to help out. Basic propaganda 101. I can't imagine the type of video and information we would have got about the Egyptian force

The reason Noor is still online is not "unclear." It is quite clear that the ISP is linked to foreign investment and MNC's. Forbes recently said that anyone would really need to reconsider investing in that country because of this. A little more research would have helped this article. You guys should ditch the

Stuff like this is really great because it acts as a case study for how we might deal with this sort of situation in other cases, possibly our own. The more people who come out and try to bypass the #Egypt government the more options we have to analyze to see what worked best. As more civil unrest happens around the

@jalb: All mobile connections in #Egypt are being shutdown for Tuesdays protests, as they were for the weekend. How do you suppose people "text" ? Sat link and land line calls to foreign ISPs are the only reliable options.

@Freelancer λ 1-1: The majority of the people who are unemployed are under 30 years of age. The people from our generation use online media and SMS the most out of any other group, and this is for many countries. Imagine the government takes that away and there is no way to upload information and video of what really

Tweetdeck is way better than the Twitter app for ipad.

This is great. I saw a National Geographic show on this vary topic but how it pertained to occult beliefs. Like you mentioned, while some put on plays others could use this steam technology to play out occult rites that would convince any onlooker back in that era. Kind of like a modern day Wizard of Oz.

@tekdemon: Hey no one is suggesting this is a normal amount of drinking. Don't shit in my iced tea though.

@wizard8873: Yeh I think this is more for the PBR budget crowd. I usually just go red label or a pure alberta springs rye if i want to go budget.

@wizard8873: One or two of these would be a single serving for me. I usually have two or three cups of scotch at home that are about 4 fingers. This is an equivalent of buying a 375ml mickey.

@dagamer34: You might lose 100-150 off the initial buying price if you find a good sale. Make sure you keep all the original pieces, boxes, receipt and put a screen protector and case on the thing right away and never remove it. I sold a Iphone 3gs for 450 CDN a month after the iphone 4 came out. The resale value of