Inspectah Deck of the Scotland Yard

Hahaha, I’m reminded of the Simpsons episode where they stayed at Ned’s beach house which was covered in notes for things like “put food in me” on the fridge. That is a real bummer. We’ve been lucky with AirBnB stays and haven’t yet had a crappy one like that... Well, OK, one in Miami Beach was like 97% next to a

You can add your own proprietary bland of spices.


A homemade chicken pot pie is basically a nice stew with a bonus sheet of lard draped across the top. I put hot sauce on mine because I’m weird.

The way I always thought of it is Griffey was better than Bonds at two things

The IAAF sucks man. You should have put down how they're trying to kill distance events with the changes to the Diamond League as it is also a shot to the dick and was announced only days before this. 

Shit, he’s gonna use all this money and goodwill to develop weather control satellites and become the West Coast Hank Scorpio, isn’t he? It’s always the quiet, nondescript ones you need to worry about.

why don’t they just build the whole team out of mike trout?

i understand your point but who cares? Its not your or my money. Id rather see labor make money than just accrue more and more to ownership.

The craziest thing about Trout is that he’s an 85.5% success at stealing (Willie was 77% over those 7 years).

12 years - that’s long enough for Joseph Gordon-Levitt to become the actual manager under his Roger Bomman character and save the franchise once again!

Reminder Kids, play baseball over all other sports if you can! 600 Million with those two contracts. Good for the kid, best “clean” baseball player I’ve seen since 1986-1998 Barry Bonds.

This is like if the NFL said if a team has 14 wins or more you’ll definitely be in the playoffs but if not it’s up to the ginger hammer. What a joke. What could possibly go wrong?

I would imagine Levi & Corina might have gone to a Mighty Mighty BossTones show in the late 80s.

Dad troll level: 10

as someone who was somewhat in that scene at one point in life....there is nothing worse than debating how punk something or someone is

Now playing

What if it’s referring to the location of women you frequently have relations with?

Memphis might have avoided this “spinal tap drummer” mess if they’d made the correct QB decision at the beginning of the season. Their initial starter was berg, but their second choice was obviously berger.