Inspectah Deck of the Scotland Yard

Counterpoint: Don’t. Do literally anything else. To the extent that the SOTU has ever been important information (it hasn’t), this is unlikely to tell us anything we need to know. This is one instance where we can all, for our own peace of mind if nothing else, ignore him. 

Bush was a shitty president, yes.

But that’s so boring, Daddy, do a story about the dolly!

It is very important to point out Lois was the sister of Beetle Bailey, so anything that happened in the Hi and Loisverse is canon to the Baileyverse as well. Of course we’ll see how much of this remains intact when Zack Snyder’s Bailey movie comes out in 2021.

Guess we will never get a strip showing General Halftrack getting dishonorably discharged from the Army for sexually harassing Miss Buxley.

Nowdays when you secretly record the villain saying something incriminating he becomes president.

Yeah, Twitter keeps on still being there. Stop getting my hopes up.

I had to buy Zeppelin IV three times because the first two times my mom found it and threw it away. Now, with the guidance of Robert Plant, I’ve found my personal savior in Satan and I have forgiven my dear mother.

I have no time for such immature behavior.

I thought they meant this parentage:

That’s a book series that needs a cinematic reboot, animated or live action. I absolutely loved those books as a kid.


Which was more traumatic, the movie or the Mets game?

Woods porn!  I never experienced it myself, probably because I avoided the woods, and really the entire outdoors, whenever possible, but I’ve heard about it so much it seems like it must be a constant worldwide phenomenon.

Killing the new way involves tide pods, no doubt.

I remember the first book I ever got out of my old school library was this slim, slightly tattered, green hard back. No dust cover, no blurb. No idea why I choose it but I can safely say school, and life in general, would have been a lot harder if I had never read A Wizard of Earthsea. That book and the sequels kept

“In my life” concludes the thought expressed in the phrase “I never come back to this town again”, the guy what wrote the song is correct. That said, I am giving Mr. Darnielle a yellow card for Flagrant Abuse of A Semicolon.

O Dune, where is thy Sting?

Ewoks doing their taxes?

I agree with you on so many points. I absolutely hated TLJ and my opinion has not changed for the positive at all in the three or so weeks since I’ve seen the movie. I hate that I have been getting lumped in with these anti-social “red pills” or whatever, because I don’t share their politics one iota. But I still