I love how half the movie is just Alec Baldwin gradually realizing something and then going “son of a BITCH!”
I love how half the movie is just Alec Baldwin gradually realizing something and then going “son of a BITCH!”
Starred for Social D. Seeing the veteran punks is a lot of fun, especially when they dive back into the old stuff- they’re ripping through songs written with the passion of an angry teenager, but they actually sound better now because they’ve learned how to play instruments in the intervening years.
He should just keep proffering breakfast sausages in Pence’s face and asking if he wants a banger.
Jersey is the armpit of America, located at the edge of the chest of America (Pennsylvania). Philly and Pittsburgh are the nips. Outer Banks are the fuzz around the belly button, and Florida, of course, is the wang.
The tail is tiny, but makes up for it in deliciousness. I like to think of it as the cook’s reward. If I have to roast and carve the bird for everyone, I’m claiming it for myself. Most of them aren’t even aware it’s a thing they’re missing out on.
I became a Braves fan in the early 90's (I happily tell people I got on the bandwagon in 1991 and never left) but in central New York I had to follow them from afar. When I moved to Atlanta in 2007 I was flabbergasted by the concept of my roommate suggesting at 6:30 we go catch the 7:00 game*. I left the city in 2016,…
I think it’s the Arizona Ninjas hosting the Milwaukee House Painters.
While I don’t have statistics to back this up, I wonder if minor leagues (where there’s more likely to be a talent mismatch between a future MLB star and guys who will have to take 9-to-5 jobs in another year) produce rare events more often, like that unassisted triple play I saw at the Auburn Doubledays game.
I assume it’s a function of who’s connected to my Twittersphere, but I don’t see any old timey football players condemning Luck’s decision, versus some like Troy Aikman and Bo Jackson coming to his defense against people who’ve never played professionally and don’t understand the toll the game was taking on Luck’s…
“We’ve just folded space from UK. Many machines in UK, new machines, better than those in US.”
“His enthusiasm for the cosmic ballet is hardly the image we want on the Houston Astros.”
Expos leading the division in 1994, only to have the rest of the season cancelled, is a real kick in whatever the delightful French-Canadian euphemism for testes is.
That’s a scary-looking wreck and I’m glad this guy is okay. His world record run from the London Olympics is a beautiful and absolutely dominating racing performance.
Did Robert Smith’s career in medicine include looking for The Cure?
Don’t you remember Little Nicky*? Popeye’s Chicken is explicitly endorsed by the son of the Devil himself.
I know those words but that headline makes no sense.
“You Only Move Twice” should have been the Simpsons movie, and finale.
It took me an embarrassingly long time to realize the Atlanta Dream was in reference to Martin Luther King.
You can’t make the mascot anything, you make the mascot Buster Bluth or you risk finding yourself lying on your deathbed dying with some serious regrets over what might have been.