Inspectah Deck of the Scotland Yard

Or at least to Outback Steakhouse

You can be evil and smart at the same time. (Source: Every comic book ever)

Sonny Wayne only cares about the Dawgs. The Falcons fan is more likely Mason or Parker.

He’ll retire and put his fame and fashion sense to work selling unremarkable menswear at Markakis’s More Khakis

Well I’ll be darned. While Wikipedia says 1982 My Little Pony toyline was more little relative to 1981's My Pretty Pony, as one would expect, they do not discuss if there was a corresponding marketing decision to make the ponies more homely and less pretty, leaving me forced to conclude that there was.

Childrens Television Workshop mainstay Jim Thurman’s Michigan connection also explains why Mathman had a Wolverines helmet on all the time.

Their distribution may be limited to central New York, but Saranac makes a ginger beer that I recall enjoying as a minor. Their root beer is also a notch above the big national brands.

I like them because nowhere would have cream soda as one of those six options. Today I filled my cup half way with that, and the rest with orange Fanta and felt satisfied with my ingenuity all afternoon.

It must have been a good six or seven years ago now, but there was once during a lull around the fifth or sixth inning that Joe and Chip may have litterally spent five minutes arguing over whether the cartoon was called “My Little Pony or, as Joe insisted, “My Pretty Pony. It has stuck in my mind as the absolute nadi

You could also have the argument that having a runner on forces the fielders to adjust, making it more likely the next guy gets a hit, whereas a home run that clears the bases allows the pitcher to view it the same as the start of a fresh inning. But my instinct would be that the slight edge you get with a man on secon

I’ve been wracking my brain for the previous mention of it, I had forgotten it came up way the heck back in Bud Manstrong’s Phantom Spaceman story in “Careers in Science”. (For some reason I was trying to place it as something the Ghost Pirate Captain* had mentioned instead, mostly because I could imagine him saying Sh

Maybe he only became a Dolphins fan at 13, all we know it was sometime after the playoff win when he was ten, if he means half of his life to date. Or perhaps he’s spent sixteen years as a Dolphins fan but plans to cease Dolphins fandom this year and then die at 32, representing half of his life in total.

Its sort of a light black, sort of a pastel black, really.

I feel like a lot of the “Kirk is an asshole” is confusion over the fact that William Shatner is an asshole. It’s great to go back and catch Kirk bits like “Leave your bigotry in your quarters, ensign, there’s no place for it here on the bridge.” in “Balance of Terror” and say FUCK YEAH!

“All Good Things...” is low-key the best TNG cast movie.

Hydrox is the Gobots to Oreos Transformers.

“I hear babies crying, I watch them grow

And to get a feel for the speed, sit along the first base line so you get a view of the ball going from the pitcher to the plate side-on. That’s a view that I wish they could use in broadcasts, as looking at it from a camera behind home plate or from the outfield doesn’t do it justice( though I understand that it