And bear in mind that’s already a repetition of what Luke learned in the cave on Dagobah- bringing his weapons despite Yoda’s warning, and finding his own face behind Darth Vader’s helmet.
And bear in mind that’s already a repetition of what Luke learned in the cave on Dagobah- bringing his weapons despite Yoda’s warning, and finding his own face behind Darth Vader’s helmet.
His picture on the magazine looks like it should be a Terry Gilliam animation.
I heard once that Bentham is marked as “present, but not voting” for all the meetings in the room.
Trump thinks the hero of A Man For All Seasons is Henry VIII.
Yes. The trick is to only use this to distribute music that sounds like shit to begin with, so compression doesn’t matter.
We’ll eventually approach the future predicted by Futurama, where all important art is just tattooed on naked fat guys.
“Forget it, Max. It’s Chinatown (scrolls up to find name of town bunnies live in, sees it was never actually given)
“We only like fuck-faced fishheads” - Guy who was way into The Shape of Water.
“Sorry, but am I to understand you’ve inserted your father’s skull inside of that ball for bowling?”
Upwords. Upwords kept my grandparents together for forty plus years. Upwords is to Scrabble what Star Trek is to Lost in Space.
(Opens mouth as if to say something, tucks David S. Pumpkins’ 13 Scary Stories screenplay back in his messenger bag.)
Just as well, I Heard They Suck Live.
I thought it was what Sigur Ros meant in Icelandic.
Indeed. They already took Babe: Pig in the City away from us a few months ago!
Confession is just snitchin’ to God.
The American Chiropractic Association?
No, I think we just take turns with it, as suggested in the article. This will end well with no conflicts, like in the Simpsons’ “Three Men and a Comic Book”.
I feel like the Hynes / Tennant combo was already plenty sad as an imagined married couple back in Doctor Who’s “Human Nature”
I feel like the Hynes / Tennant combo was already plenty sad as a couple back in Doctor Who’s “Human Nature”