Inspectah Deck of the Scotland Yard

At what point shall we expect the approach of danger? By what means shall we fortify against it?— Shall we expect some transatlantic military giant, to step the Ocean, and crush us at a blow? Never!—All the armies of Europe, Asia and Africa combined, with all the treasure of the earth (our own excepted) in their

Really, the manpower just needs to hold them off until the bottomless well of miserable weather finishes the job. There was an old line I heard, about how the reasons no military could conquer Russia were “General December, General January, and General February”.

Neko Case, surely?

Planet of the Apes was right- “Beware the beast man.”

Which will lead to a Doctor Who crossover when it’s revealed to stand for Time And Relative Dimensions In Gastrointestinal, Rectal And Digestive... Eh, Screw it.

Midichlorians are so close to being both plant and animal that it’s like they can’t make up their minds. And they’re thinking now that maybe it’s - this is who’s been running the galaxy all this time

That rug is what gives a Jedi’s room its aesthetic. It surrounds us and penetrates us; it binds the galaxy together.

Jack Ryan’s not supposed to run for president, he just ascends to the presidency when everyone above him is killed.

Closed down IHOP’s are a source of amusement for me, because they often reopen as something else without remodeling the exterior, the peaked rooves belying their history. The one on North Ave. in Atlanta became the Disco Diner, Mandarin Palace, and The Original J.R. Cricket’s*, all while keeping the IHOP architecture.

International? America or nothin’, bub.

No, he just makes rice.

I was trying to remember the details of FDR’s murder mystery- evidently he suggested a basic premise, and writers of the day traded off chapters, with each one leaving a cliffhanger for the next writer to resolve:

Steve Forbes wrote the book. I recognize his awkaward prose anywhere.

From that picture up there, I thought he was going to be appearing in Kehinde Wiley’s Obama portrait instead.

Fuck, my brain went on a Herzog / Kinski tangent, now I want a movie that’s Fitzcaraldo but with a dinosaur park instead of an opera house.

And yet, with a 5.9 rating on IMDb, it’s edged out by Just What I Needed (5.5) for “worst movie sharing its name with a Cars single”.

Given the overall incompetence of his legal team, how likely is it that someone could get themselves appointed as Trump’s guardian on the basis that he’s clearly suffering from dementia and unable to make decisions for himself anymore? Asking for <del>a friend</del> everyone..

You’d think that better elder care would be a no-brainer issue for a candidate to run on, given the disproportionately high voting rate of seniors. But I guess they can get the same support proposing some bullshit like a Matlock Expressway or border wall.

And Clint Howard!

I assumed he was some alien, and the lines were some natural thing on his skin that became more prominent when he got angry, the way humans can get red in the face when they’re upset. Reminded me of Foyle’s face tattoos in The Stars My Destination, the scars from their removal becoming visible when he’s upset.