Whether this song is good or not (I think it is!) is surely a matter og opinion. But it’s hard to read this critique as anything other that a series of bad faith stretches. Joan used to be fun. :(
Whether this song is good or not (I think it is!) is surely a matter og opinion. But it’s hard to read this critique as anything other that a series of bad faith stretches. Joan used to be fun. :(
OMG! What happened when the teens found out about butts?
She used to run a lifestyle blog, so I would say it’s a safe bet.
Maybe they lost a bet with the Deadspin guys?
I’m just a little disappointed that he’s not made of lightly starched pale blue shirts all the way down.
Don’t forget that time she invented the marching band ...
It’s almost as if today’s the 30th anniversary or something.
Or Boutros Boutros-Ghali. How embarrassing.
I have a hard time imagining anyone wanting to even think about Elton John having sex. Edit that nonsense out immediately.
*screams forever*
As a closet classicist I’m mostly bothered by the poor linguistics. “This side of male”?
Happy news: it was weirdly a good time. And a voting turnout of 77 %. Yay us!
Oh dear. I’ve volounteered to list-chec and count votes for our EP election Sunday, in a moment of democratic fervour. I somehow failed to realize that this means I’ll be spending sixteen - 16!! - hours of precious Sunday not being able to leave my local polling station. But at least the catering is supposed to be…
Touch my fabric scissors and get stabbed with them (since they are now ruined anyway).
I mean, is this the face and naked torso of a creeper? The defence rests.