Common Jezebel

It sounds like the romantic-movie-complex really did a number on your former friend. Love is Patient etc.

Hermione isn’t great either - she’s balls out bananas in the Oresteia.

I know. Everyone knows she lives in a lighthouse ...

I hope it’s stoning.

This is such bad epithet.

What the what? Queen Alexandra may have been the first and last genuinely attractive member of the British monarchy (although young Prince Philip had a certain something). It’s Victoria’s frog eyes and Elizabeth’s weak chin and horse teeth that are tripping him up.

His book recommendation suggests that indeed he cannot.

He’s done some fine noseless work in the past.

We need to start raking our cathedrals. People, get involved!

That is surreal. And some fairly chronic narcissism on display.

Hear, hear. I was wondering what was up with the “age-inappropriate” dig ... unless of course the author means it belongs to another age. As in the glam rock 70's or jazzercizing 80's ...

I think you should tell Kate about the waterline thing because I don’t think she got that memo ...

Well, he cheated on Sienna with the Nanny (but she cheated on Daniel Craig to be with Jude, so karma). Rumour is that Sadie and Jude had an open relationship. And that will be the British 90's gossip update for today.

Dude has got to be at least 5'10? He towers over other Hollywood actors, so if he isn’t I’m seriously wondering just how short those other people really are. :o

Yep. It was never meant to be worn. 

Poopageddon? Faecaclysm?

He will always be elf-boy to me ...

Do you like Chinese and Thai food because they frequently contain fish sauce (= the same thing)

I feel that way about her interview on WTF. She’s an absolute gem.