Common Jezebel

If people prefer not to give their clicks to the racist, anti-science shitshow that is the Washington Times (not exactly a reliable source), here’s NBC:

Thank you for your services to quote-spelunkery! In context, at least the publicist is making a tiny bit of sense. He still sounds like The Mooch’s dumber and more evil brother, but he’s not foaming at the mouth bananas, ranting at clouds like the article made him sound.

They are both such good actors that I’ve managed to not care about any of the negative campaigning. It’s a good movie. Heart warming even. Watch it!

The 1920'a called and they want their spit curls back.

Hear, hear. Slip knots are completely useless on boats. Burberry needs to stick to what they know - boring plaids and boxy designs - and sit completely down.

I hope said manager is having a long conversation with his reflection. If you know enough to apologize, you know enough to speak up.

IKEA has great designs. And their kitchens are fantastic.

I think it’s from Tolkien?

Full bloom, half mast.

It’s entirely too twee and yet somehow completely perfect. I endorse this union!

His soul did and mine died.

Love, no. I liked it well enough for what it was.


I think that makes it worse?

I’m sure they are writing all this of as business expences via corporate purchases. There’s no way any of this is coming out of taxed income.

I just wonder whether they only booked him because his name begins with a K?

... colossal waste of time, effort and money. That should be in Latin on the West-Kardashian coat of arms.

Not that there’s a thing wrong with your excellent burner name but it just struck me that “no bra, no eyebrows” would be epic.

Went with the Lainey gossip link and *welp*. The girl doesn’t look a day over 20.

You are the hero we need in these times.