Common Jezebel

Is she ... posing with a feather duster? I shall never understand conservatives.

Measles kill babies. Could she at least try to care about that?

It’s famously what a Assange did to those two women, and it’s a crime in Sweden. Lets make it a crime everywhere, my people! It’s certainly highly abusive and transgressive behaviour.

This is the most adorable twist ending. I was bracing myself for a horror show. :D

But with ticketing! And an Enhanced Social Media Element (tm)!!

Black current vodka. Mixed with sprite, it is the devils drink. Fortunately it’s nothing any adult would ever drink ...

Well, not exactly on public transport but this one dude whipped his bean out and started rubbing exactly as he was exiting the bus - the second his foot hit the pavement, his hand went in his pants. So #manners, basically.

I personally know 3 lesbian Lutheran pastors, so I nominate lutheranism? (and all the organists are gay :D)

Bob Fosse choreography on Youtube is my happy place. :)

Now playing

Hey! There’s totally a connection between Single Ladies and Gwen Verdon! Is Michelle Williams intuiting this connection, hiding in plain sight?

That’s incrediblyregency of you. Well done.

It’s Room 23. And Jezebel actually wrote about it? Maybe the gossip is coming from inside the building?

American names? I for one look forward to welcoming Prince Chad and Princess Madison into the tabloid family!

While asking this makes me feel like a rank amateur ... what wine are you pairing with the ice cream?

Yeah, no. That kid is dead and the evilly smirking tween witch beside him killed her.

I think it’s something that happens once a person looses their teeth? I can’t think of a single reason why anyone would be eating grits unless it’s all your sad, sagging gums can manage.

Well, she was with Michael Sheen for a long time who is both roughly her age as well as smart AND funny (and despite his looking a bit hobbitty is a serious celeb crush of mine!).

1. Why are dudes’ mid-life crises so boringly predictable?

I love this series. The Elizabethan one where Sue accidentally poisons herself is a favourite.

O for the infinite glories of the Muppets. <3