Common Jezebel

Oh god, you just made me think of Trump’s bed sheets.

Uhm, beg to differ.

Your burner name has achieved perfect synergy.

See, this is the correct take. I can’t believe the people commenting that the gentleman in the aisle wasn’t “large”. He is certainly too big to squeeze past and spilling over the armrest. The airlines are getting away with way too much here - as Americans are getting larger, the standard seating on airplanes should

You should seriously pitch this!

You poor kitten. This sounds like a pretty inconciderate bunch. 

I think he might have picked up on the *subtle* hints in Gaiman’s oeuvre that he’s a massive Bowie fan. Exhibit A: Lucifer

Tilda certainly looks more like himthan the actor they’re proposing. Dude is at least a decade too old and has the face of a retired boxer.

Now playing

He does a fine line in dorky poetry readings as well. Observe him hamming it up on stage with Rufus Wainwright (Jake comes in for th outro):

Flawless Gollum deployment. Have stars.

Did she write the Frida Kahlo nonsense ramble as well? Much to lazy to check but that had Smithee written all over it.

A thousand times yes to Source Code. Never has (SPOILER ALERT!) 1/3 of a marine been portrayed more grippingly.

I’m very confused at the suggestion of Joseph Gordon Levitt as a heartthrob.

Aw! Look at widdle Elijah there. <3

Uhm, the B in LGBT actually stands for Babadook. It is known.

It was. That’s what really pushed them over the edge.

Or black mould in the house? That poor child. This sounds like neglect. :(

Ok, lady might actually have a point:

I know, lets call it the Panama Canal.