Common Jezebel

The EU has pledged to deliver emergency aid to Ireland if an agreement isn’t reached. And they wouldn’t be in nearly as much trouble as the UK. The shit is approaching the fan ...

Name checks out, peacemaker.

Name checks out, peacemaker.

The chin implant is very noticeable in the before/afters but her cheeks look very normal slavic person to me ...

That Jean de France is a gilets jaunes is just so marvelously French. A republican, marching in the streets, who really wouldn’t rule out being monarch, you know, if they asked him. :)

Also, lighting a pithfork? Is that how they work?

There’s a link in my comment but really it falls under common knowledge. I guess the headline really was talking about you. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

You do know about toxoplasmosis, right? No pregnant woman should be anywhere near kitty litter.

You do know about toxoplasmosis, right? No pregnant woman should be anywhere near kitty litter.

I hear you. Long live Joan’s Dirt Bag!

He was trying so very, very hard to sound like this cowboy that he forgot where he was supposed to hail from, partner:

I was surprised it wasn’t nominated for hair and makeup. To me this is the real “snub” this year.

Agreed. Black Panther isn’t even as good as Thor. It’s nominated for being “inspirational” which really shouldn’t be a metric here.

Of Fathers and Sons should win, though. I think I’m still crying.

Someone, quick, tell me - what is an Oklahoma drag strip?

Valerie is totally a dolphin.

Team Durin!

She should be on mute. I wish Jez could have a mute feature like Spotify is (maybe) getting ...

She doesn’t want to pay is the problem.

I for one welcome their impending hardships. This is slightly more strenuous than avoiding oranges from the occupied territories ...