
If he was wearing bottoms they probably would have had him take them off. You know, officer safety, could be a gun hidden there.

Maybe his good buddy Chris Cuomo can get him in over at NewsNation. 

Vi did not pull the trigger. Robyn shot Doug from the doorway. In an interview Toussaint has said that Vi’s dilemma is that she can’t protect the people she loves because she couldn’t kill. That’s was the gist of Vi and Robyn’s conversation.

The best would be Dominion told Fox they would knock 600 million off the price and settle if they fired Tucker. Rupert quickly does the math and says shit can that fucker.

Wait a minute. I thought reparations were woke?

Guess the Culpo sisters have some competition.

Technically this is Newton not Boston which is even more troubling because the population is made up of mostly liberal rich white people. Guess tolerance and inclusivity stops at the border. 

Three boobs?  That’s so hot!  

Gym looks serious. He rolled his sleeves down.

1. If they contact you in any way other the the US mail.

Do we really need to talk about Kanye?

FBI’s covert, corrupt initiatives... who wrote this, Jim Jordan?

Can’t wait for the cross overs...

He’s already fucked up a question on whether he supports a federal ban on abortion by refusing to answer it (several times by the same reporter) and doing the “I am pro-life” side step.  Of course it will be fun to see if Trump will actually say the quiet part out loud in a debate.  He thinks he can shoot someone on

Not a fan of the “dine-in” especially when they have that carrot and celery plate with dip on the menu. 

Now playing

What! Only a passing mention for Jimmy James. 

Parents who wanted to boast that they send their kid to Ye’s school? 

Shocking. A blog focused on Black culture writing about how the sensationalism around the stabbing of a rich white guy by the press might affect black people.

The first thing the Republicans will do is rewrite the rules to try and take away the appointment of temporary legislators from the council and change the rules of expulsion to allow being expelled for the same misconduct. A supermajority can do just about anything. Of course there will be lawsuits but time is on

I prefer the R.V. parks. I prefer the Walmart parking lots to the beaches and things like that. There is something normal to me about it I come from regular stock and I prefer that.