
You have to plan that some percentage of people receiving any large lump sum of money will not use it wisely, will burn through it or be swindled.  

When they voted to expel Rep. Jones I thought how stupid would it be that they expel Pearson but keep Johnson. Would they really do the most racist thing they could possibly do? Of course they would.  

Its a good revenue generator. Its like seat belt laws. Easy to spot. Hard to challenge if you are the driver.

Can’t count how many times I have been behind somebody at a light that turns green and they just sit there and you see them head down looking at a screen.  

The premise on this requires a first strike by the US with little warning. While there are plans, I don’t see this happening. The conditions leading up to this kind of attack would probably have mobile launchers already deployed, bombers moved from their main bases (if not already in the air) and any submarine that

Great....Young adult angst in space. 

HOW DARE YOU TELL MY CHILD RACISM EXISTED! still does? no that can’t be right. I have a black friend. 

According to police she passed on a different target because she felt it had too much security. It would be interesting to know what that was.

There was a time when some movies actually had intermissions. Most of the big musicals in the 60's had them. Then there were movies like Lawrence of Arabia, Spartacus, Ben Hur and of course Gone With the Wind.  

I don’t care if I have to suspend my disbelief that Queen Latifah can beat the crap out of guy twice her size and half her age. I love the show.

Several states have carved out “domestic strangulation” as a separate assault statute. It takes abuse that would normally be considered a misdemeanor or simple assault and elevates it to a felony. It’s also very easy to verify by police because in most cases it leaves clear bruising around the throat. If they have

The most savage is using that and then cc’ing a bunch of other people who were not on the original email. 

There are so many different ways to use email that one hard and fast rule is not applicable. At one time it was akin to writing a letter and followed basic letter writing conventions. However with multiple threads and subject lines, a single email being part of a distribution list for multiple recipients and messages

All I know is that there is a 3 hour and 45 minute first cut of this...I want it.  The body count would be epic! 

But then Justice Samuel Alito’s leaked draft finding no constitutional right to abortion at any stage of pregnancy came out in May 2022, and the leak rendered Roberts’ strategy moot:

If he was towing a box truck at that speed even if he tried to brake the weight of the truck he was towing probably made that nearly impossible. 

That’s sounds awful. I prefer “sending them to live on a farm”. 

Wait till you have to pay more for the good seats.

The best thing theaters can do with “family movies” is come up with a plan for “family pricing” packages that would allow a family to actually afford to see these movies more often. Instead they are now monetizing seat placement which will actually make it more expensive for families or cause nothing but trouble when