
Current estimates say that electric passenger planes will start hitting the market in 2028 and regional routes like LA-SF are the routes that these will fly first. This could put a dent in the “train is more environmentally friendly”

Nic Cage should join the MCU and just be Nic Cage. He can take Stan Lee’s place and just pop up in cameos but as Nic Cage. 

Defending your wife from a “verbal assault” would never be considered grounds for self defense in a physical assault.  If the person you slapped wanted to press charges you would be arrested. 

Man those two are wringing the last drop of blood from that stone.   New rule. After this year’s Oscars, no mention of it by either of them, or anyone else. Period. 

I thought she has been on a lot longer than that...well maybe it just feels that way. 

It doesn’t help that for that last several years quite a few TV shows had premises involving everyday people having their car hacked by some nefarious rogue hacker out for mayhem.  They always seems to end with a keystroking battle between the shows tech nerd and the hacker.  “Damn this guy is good!” 

Carlson insisted that the “manifesto” was a “rambling pastiche of slogans and internet memes” and the “product of a diseased and disorganized mind.”

If you really want to be wild try “Walmart Dating”   

Hollywood stars have been doing this for years. Its the line in the prenup that sets a date for when you start sharing assets.

Me. I would just shovel all the snow back onto the sidewalk.

Stokes and Keery are both 30. The show first aired in 2016 (started filming in 2015) so figure casting probably started sometime in 2014. They both would have been 21 to 22 years old which in Hollywood years makes them perfect to play a junior in high school.

Ah c’mon. I want it to last at least until it becomes a hollowed out shell of its former self with the characters sleepwalking through dialog they have been repeating for the past umpteen years. The one where fans continue to watch while bemoaning the fact that it’s just not the show it once was.

Jeff Garlin is probably chuckling at this as he sits on the set of Curb Your Enthusiasm waiting for his next scene. They haven’t wrapped up season 12. Would not be surprised if Larry works this into an episode; cancelling someone only to find themselves cancelled.  

Did anyone NOT expect this to happen? 

Nothing says protecting our kids by making them think they got their favorite teacher fired.  Way to go assholes. 

Kimmel is doing it. They could just put a moat around the stage with one bridge across and just put Guillermo on a stool at one end. He has a running bit with Matt Damon getting bumped from\kicked off the show they could do where he tries to sneak across the bridge. I mean why come up with new content that’s going to

My father used to tell a story about sitting in a hotel bar late at night with the guy next to him drinking like a fish. He was talking to this guy when he mentioned he had a flight out in the morning. My dad said “me too. What airline?” and the guy came back with “I fly for [and named the same airline my dad was

You would need to find someway to notify drivers that x number of stations are available. Especially for highway locations. Nothing would frustrate me more that pulling into one of these places and finding they are all full and most of them in the early stages of a charge. Now a 15-20 minute stop becomes a 40-45

Curious as to how much a name change might cost. Signage and other things may have to change. If everybody is going to keep calling it the Tappan Zee why bother.  As it was pointed out it wasn’t officially named just the Tappan Zee Bridge since the 40's and nobody gave a damn.