
Great way to cut out on a check. “Oh. My phone died and Lifehacker says I shouldn’t google PayPal. I’ll pay next time”!

Mostly Red States. Makes sense. And according to Pornhub these are the search terms most used in each state for 2022

Just today (2/14) they are saying the three are most likely old commercial or research balloons but we may never know because they are also saying recovery is very unlikely. I tend to think they are commercial\research. It wouldn’t surprise me that these groups would abandon balloons if recovering them is impractical

I am hoping for the inevitable SYFY mashup of sharks and balloons that brings Ian Ziering out of retirement.  We miss you buddy. 

very topical! 

Hasn’t this been done before...

After having mopped up one to many overnight spills I switched to good old fashioned sports bottle with a built in straw, Half water\half ice. pop the cap sip the cool water, go back to sleep...then wake up a half hour later and go to the bathroom.   

After having mopped up one to many overnight spills I switched to good old fashioned sports bottle with a built in

The AP reported 200 students walked out.

Interesting that you didn’t include the response from leaders in the black community to the school statement (pared down or otherwise).

Now playing

Whenever I see one of these “administration statements” I hear this in my head....

I was waiting to read that he got fired for walking off the job. Clearly he has a decent employer or else white women pulling this shit goes on so often it they have heard this story before.

They probably spent more time coming up with the acronym “SCORPION” than they did on policies, procedures and oversight for the unit.

While the FBI does track police department’s use of force, as you have stated, participation is VOLUNTARY and the data is provided by the police departments. The data collected is minimal. There is no collection of data where complaints are made by citizens or the outcome of any complaint investigation. (most of which

Guess MTG will have to give McCarthy another blow job to get back on his good side. And yes. There is a paper bag with a mouth hole involved in this transaction. 

Hope these girls like public school. Of course these are the Catholics so chances are they will just receive counselling and moved to another school. Hey. It worked for priests.

Everybody thinks that their traffic quirks are all local.  Idiocy ignores state boundaries.  

Outside of Dick Wolf run shows a lot of productions use “stand ins” or b-roll for location shooting. But I must admit. Vancouver looks like a nice place until you watch the show DaVinci’s Inquest which is actually set in Vancouver. They showed some really seedy parts of that city.

For years every tv show and and movie set in DC always use some alternate reality subway because the Metro didn’t allow filming. The stations and the trains were so distinctive it was impossible to pass off anything else as authentic. WW84 (2020) actually used a Metro station and train so they may have changed policy.

Waiting for the inevitable consolidation where all these channels are bundled under one provider for a single monthly fee and hardwired into your home to get rid of the wifi-lag. Just sign up and wait for a technician to show up at your home sometime between 9 and 5 to run that wire into a special box they provide for

Damn! My bad. I haven’t seen All.