Why is it these gun toting halfwits are always covering up their faces. I thought you were all proud patriots who are doing what the law says you can.
Why is it these gun toting halfwits are always covering up their faces. I thought you were all proud patriots who are doing what the law says you can.
I drive one and love the visibility. I find the rest of the car adequate for my needs. I also live in New England and love the near anonymous experience of looking like so many other cars on the road. Of course it kind of sucks in big parking lots.
I believe that is plumber putty gray.
During the pandemic senior pilots left in droves because airlines offered buyouts because they could not institute mass layoffs. Far more took them up on that offer than they had anticipated. Added to that is that a lot of pilots come out of the military which is facing its own shortage of trained pilots.
Delta Pilots are also ready to strike. Brings new meaning to the song “I’ll be Home for Christmas”
corporate overlords at Activision Blizzard want to seek out the last few poor souls who remain blissfully unaware of its existence
So imagine hundreds of drones taking off from an Amazon fulfillment center and forming the smiling penis Amazon logo over the city with drones slowly peeling off to deliver goods and packages to our “doorstep”.
As newer cars all melt into the same damn bland body style, manufacturers have to find a way to stand out. A lot of these things are just the 21st century equivalent of 50's fins.
Longing for the future Star Trek world where money will be irrelevant and therefore taxes will not be an issue... of course we need that cataclysmic nuclear war first...but hey you have to break a few eggs.
I used to walk out of one-on-ones with a list of things that needed to be done. I would just put it on my desk and wait. In the next few days he would ask me or email me about certain projects on the list. Those moved to the top of list to be completed first. Some things on the list were never asked about after that…
Ye is pretty much self-cancelling.
But...But...we were just trying to show that, you know, racial profiling by police is, well bad and so chuegy...We have black friends.
I would agree but I don’t have HBO Max so it has no effect whatsoever.
And thanks to TNT on Christmas Day you can come back to it over and over and over and over and...
Bet you Zach Braff says the same thing.
When anyone starts a conversation with “I am not a [enter occupation] but...” expect jackassery to follow.
But he did sleep at a Holiday Inn Express last night.
In other words this should really be left in the hands of you and your doctor...should you be able to afford to have one...and not pontificated from on high from some jackass politician
But as a legislator will you vote for free pre-natal healthcare to all women so they can get advice from a real physician on the best choices for her and her baby to ensure a healthy pregnancy?