Deceptively Calm Scientist

I think you mean "shake". they're not helped by Dillon being a really poor artist.

The Danes are real life-affirming types, aren't they? And I speak from considerable experience.

While I liked the Monty Python God, I could have done without an entire season of prequel to the real stories. And the real stories aren't actually all that great, if you're not stoned or 15.

That's exactly it. He's blind to the offensiveness of it. I believe that's called White Privilege.

The one thing that never really worked for me is Richie and Brady. I mean, everyone takes about 3 seconds max to identify Brady as Not Good, yet Richie seems unable to until three-quarters through this movie? Maybe it's because, as he says, he's been in the habit of trying to fix people, making Brady a kind of

Ah, nicely said: I'd totally forgotten there were major and minor houses. I think the Tullys are finished as a major house (since there are absolute swarms of Freys, they'll always survive), and should become a vassal house to the Freys. The Tyrells are done too. Unless next season introduces a lot of

Gendry: "You're going the wrong way!" *nervously fiddles with beard*

House Stark isn't doing that badly, actually. Okay, the parents are gone but of the kids, only Robb and Rickon are gone. By Westeros standards, that's a success!

Wow, the noble houses have been thinned out a bit:
Tyrells: down to Olenna
Lannisters: down to Jaime, Cersei and Tyrion
Martells: gone
Boltons: gone
Umbers: definitely thinned out
Karstarks: ?
Baratheons: gone
Tullys: Down to Edmure in a cell, and his kid

Give me a "Stand on Zanzibar" adaptation!

Didn't age that great. I'd prefer Diamond Age.

Nope. By now this show is just making the exact same jokes about each character, over and over again. It's dull.

I just realized I don't actually care about what happens to any of these people. They're all such 1.5-dimensional cartoon characters that their unintentionally funny dramatic posturing adds nothing to any rapport I might have felt with any of them. Seriously, if Daisy had been killed in this episode? Meh. Mack?

Huh, odd, I clearly hear a Dutch accent. And I'm Dutch.

I'm not sure that's a raise.

WESTERN Euro, if you please.

Well yes, but Jessica Henwick.

well, if we're going to nominate Misfits cast, Joe Gilgun is of course perfect. Except that a Rudy-like character would get killed within about 5 seconds in Westeros…

The whole episode reminded me of a Legion of Super-Heroes parody I wrote decades ago.
"One of our new recruits is….a traitor within the Legion! But who?
Is it Manic-Depressive Lad?
Is it Non-Existent Kid?
Or is it Traitor-Within-The-Legion Lass?"

I have zero time for Neil Gaiman, whose twee twaddle annoys me no end, but he wrote a very fine Lucifer in Sandman. And the later Lucifer comic had its moments, although it did tend to get bogged down in Hell's politics.