Deceptively Calm Scientist

Um…how did Emmett's car suddenly and magically regain the ability to start?

I believe it was a disappointing salad.
"Fuck this, we're invading Poland."

It's all in the hips. And then in the cup.

I'm still struggling to figure out the relevance of the title. The House of Special Purpose" was the Dom Ipatiev in Ekaterinburg where the last tsar and his family were first imprisoned and then murdered in 1918.

Next week's preview, Kim mentions that name…

I guess the Big Lie here is that Chuck isn't mentally ill. A lie that a lot of people were willing to play along with. Jimmy just ceased giving any fucks about it. And Chuck. Good for him. I can appreciate a bit of cold-hearted vengeance.

Fair enough! I'm sure you'll enjoy Hellblazer a lot, there was a lot to like there.

We'll have to agree to disagree: I always felt he was poor. Not a clue about the proportions of the human body, about three basic facial expressions and really, really basic composition skills. He stank up some issues of Hellblazer towards the end.

Huh. Interesting. I've only ever heard the PRC (oh snap) used as a description of the strategy described above. Maybe I just ran with a bad bridge crowd.

Principle of Restricted Choice: in bridge, you don't know who holds which cards. If you're faced with a situation where you can win only under a very particular lay of the cards, you might as well assume that the cards really do cooperate with you 100%. If they don't, you're toast anyway.

Vision. Providence. Prophet. Unforgivable omissions.

Well crap! I thought I saw the "bicameral" title somewhere. Pop my soap bubble, why doncha!

The finale is called "The bicameral mind". If you're unfamiliar with the late great nutcase Julian Jaynes' work: He wrote a wonderful, wacky book that suggested people used to be naturally schizophrenic: they would literally hear their own brain's right hemisphere as a voice in their heads, and described those voices

Of course, if you're a Julian Jaynes fanboy it's exactly in the breakdown of this "voice of the gods" mechanism during times of unusual stress that consciousness was born.

No. Well, maybe electroshock therapy involving nuclear reactors.

I'm tickled pink that the Bicameral Mind got a shout-out. That book is just brilliant nonsense.

That would be so much more profound if it made sense.

I think those are two separate things: wanting to work with someone who listens is one thing, being blind to a screamingly obviously manipulative creep is another. My comment on Ryan being young and dumb referred to the latter.

I guess that is the assumption that makes it all work. Perhaps Ryan is just young and dumb.

I'm with you on regretting the Joe-centric nature of this episode, especially when the non-Joe bits are so wonderful. Joe now seems to be written as a kind of hybrid of Old manipulative Joe and a really crass Steven Jobs knock-off and it just doesn't work for me. I just want to laugh at him every time we tries one of