Deceptively Calm Scientist

Too soon. Although her taste for tight sweaters did tend to distract even the most dispassionate scientist.

Nice shout-out to Schoonebeek, which is a real shit-hole, by the way, and known for natural gas, not oil.

This show makes me sad. I quite enjoy it but it makes me sad that it only bears a very vague resemblance to the source material, mostly character names. And yes, Lesley-Ann Brandt as Mazikeen is the best bit on the show.

I believe Jimmy got (and got to retain) a sizable signing bonus.

Is Mail Robot still bugged? If so, Stan's suspicions of Martha will lead to Martha's sudden death. There, I said it, proceed to prove me wrong, TV show!

Stop. I'm still grieving over the Jodorowsky Dune.

How many clunkers did it take for M.Night to finally lose his Hollywood access pass? Oh, wait…

Amen. Although I do take some evil pleasure in Zach Snyder fucking up once again.

"Great Scott! Batman is really a skeleton!"

Yeah! Like the eye-holes on his mask contracting because he got some grit in them!

Oh I've seem them beat people to death with a text box editor before.

Much obliged, I will follow your recommendations.

Yeah, there is a bit of "Nemesis" about MoS's ending, isn't there? Except Moore's version was good.

Point taken. "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." is kind of a turkey and I couldn't even watch "Agent Carter"'s second season beyond the first episode. To be honest, I haven't checked out the DC stuff but you and many others seem to like it. I will have to investigate.

Oh god please give me a live-action "The painting that ate Paris" movie…

The Netflix stuff is very good, though.
As for DC (or rather, Vertigo) TV, Ill be very curious to see Preacher. It has Joe Gilgun in it so I'm predisposed to liking it.

You're still a fine human being and a good source of vitamins.

Not as far as I know.

Hah, fair point. He is sort of the Obvious Villain, but I think he tries to mask it. He has a lot of natural charm and warmth, for example when he talks to Dreiberg. Akerman, on the other hand, stinks up every scene she's in, even when she doesn't speak. And you know she can do better (or at least she can NOW) when

He had his moments but I basically gave up on him when I read his take on the Mahabharata: yammering L.A. cokehead.