Deceptively Calm Scientist

I'm paraphrasing here because I can't be bothered to look up the exact quote but it's from "SATAN: his psychotherapy and cure by the unfortunate Dr.Kassler, J.S.P.S." by Jeremy Leven:

Oh we agree, he's very likable in everything, even if the material is sort of iffy. I even liked him as love-struck KGB man in "Red".
And he was great in Troy.
"So that's your fiercest warrior? Well MY fiercest warrior is…ACHILLES"
*cricket sounds*

If you can find it, check out "The Royal Hunt of the Sun". CP and Robert Shaw, and Plummer steals every scene.

Ditto to that. Reissued as "tyger, tyger" in Great Britain, I believe.

I don't think he would have needed to use the cattle-prod.

It's a great piece to play, too.Debussy and his fellow fruity Frenchies were just on fire during that period.

Formerly known as chung?

Particularly since that's THAT hand.

"Here I…………………………………………….am"

I think of the Three Doctors Lecter as different characters altogether. Hopkins' ham sandwich was fun and silly, Mads is terrifying and quietly hilarious and Brian Cox….ah Brian Cox was special. I always remember the bitterness with which he spat out "Smell yourself!"

I'm not a religious person but I've always found it unpleasant that in the Christian worldview, animals have no souls and therefore do not qualify for heaven, while they are the most innocent creatures around. Bernie Kliban once did a cartoon of a dog praying in church and a priest just saying "You. Out." which sort

Technically, that makes him an interesting hybrid of transsexual and transvestite.

Also: Gaiman, bah! Purveyor of twee twaddle.

Belated sympathies for your cat's passing. We have 7, fortunately all still youngish and healthy but the last cat we had to say goodbye to was 24 at the time and it was tough tough tough. We have our cats cremated individually and we keep the ashes. Yes, we are officially weird. You should see the urns!

Hah! Too long ago for my aging brain.

I'm officially addicted to licorice which is a bitch as the proper Dutch licorice is salty as hell and wreaks havoc with my blood pressure. I'm 6'1 and average.

Interesting! You're making me wonder what that is like, hot gazpacho. Kind of like eating a really odd spaghetti sauce, I guess? And ignore the ridicule of the masses - you are your own standard.

Enjoy! make sure the avocado is perfect and don't stint on the red wine vinegar.

Hey now.

Gazpacho. It's hot so it was just what the doctor ordered.