Deceptively Calm Scientist

I can't quite decide if this is plagiarizing the Image comic Alex + Ada, or if the comic is plagiarizing the Swedish TV show or both.

I wondered if he was a child molester but I think that's a little too easy, so for the moment I just think of him as a genuinely empathetic Christian-type-dude. Until proven otherwise….

Well yeah, but did you catch how pissed off he looked? Priceless.

"If you meet an asshole in the morning, well, you've met an asshole. If you meet assholes all day, YOU're the asshole.

I was thinking along the same lines. I think each pack of bills is actually one bill and 99 sheets of paper.

If Ava was actually dumb enough to read out the real name on those passports. Which I don't think she is.

Does anyone else think those stacks of $100 bills were one bill each plus 99 sheets of paper? Markham may be losing his grip but he's no idiot.

Amazing, isn't it, how people have relationships with fictional characters who bear only a passing resemblance to the people they actually live with…

The weird part is, why does he want to be with Patrick? Why does he want the illusion of a relationship? Is his Dream-Patrick totally cool with him cheating?

I did see that, I guess I just couldn't bring myself to conclude that Patrick, poor fucked-up Patrick, had really never been in a successful relationship. That is depressing. Anyway, thanks for reminding me. I'm going to go drink heavily now.

Faithful (!) viewer, first time commenter. Nothing makes me so sad as to see two people in a relationship without really understanding each other or talking to each other. Patrick isn't in a relationship with Kevin, he's in a relationship with Dream-Kevin. His utter devastation when Kevin turned out to be different

And The Doctor is so Maximus the Mad. That mention of being reunited with his family…