
Wow, some folks out here just don’t abide JG on this. Don’t worry Jennifer, some of us know your pain. I can’t watch a video of myself being normal, no less one that everyone is hounding me about for being weird. Watching myself or listening to my own voice makes me want to crawl into the fetal position. I cannot

I wish I came up with it, but it would be easily verified that I didn’t. and its not mean! he was on breaking bad! he made meth!

In terms of the animal abuse situation, it sounds bad but I really wish it wasn’t being reported by PETA because I hate them and they are awful. They are the least ethical animal rights organization.

The Fish in The Cat in the Hat should be at the top of this list. I know, in the cartoon it is voiced by a guy but the book does not assign that fish a gender and I would argue it is the ultimate Lame Bitch.

We are set up to hate the fish, when all it does is point out that we don’t know that cat and he should not be

Sally Field in Mrs Doubtfire.

I know. I have only been able to convince one person of this. Like he could have had cancer treatment paid for by his friend but he was too “proud” to accept it. He just wanted to sell drugs because he was like fuck it, I’m dying now I can just be the bastard I have always wanted to be.

I could not get into breaking bad because of how White treated his wife. He was a garbage person from the jump, and we’re supposed to see him as this hero who takes on the burden of illness by himself by selling drugs. Fuck off Walter. Sorry you got cancer but you’re not an awesome husband(or even decent) for lying to

And not even getting into prestige tv “lane bitches”

I’d rather see Adam Scott and Jon Hamm get it on.

You were not the only one! I was LIVID. Also, um, the Debi Thomas v. Katarina Witt rivalry only existed in the fevered minds of American media who tried to cook up that Battle of the Carmens thing, but please. At the time, it was Katarina’s world and everyone else was just skating in it.

The idea that Jon Stewart knew is based on the fact that a random student asked Stewart a question about the rumors in a Q&A session a year ago. Somehow that gets translated into Stewart being told about it, ignoring that it is completely normal for people not to put much weight in random, unsourced rumors.


Oh, shut the fuck up. How much do you know about your co-workers, exactly? Even the ones about whom rumors swirl?

Not all indiscretions are the same nor do they require the same response.

But not the boring weekend guy, okay? How about bringing Vlad to the desk?!

Odd you’re forgetting that Jezebel didn’t drag Stewart over the coals about Louis CK, either. Some commenters did but this conversation, started by the OP, was about Jezebel and its editors.

She could have been entirely shielded from it. All the allegations stem from his show on PBS. Anyway, if he did the same at CBS I doubt that Gayle King is who you would speak to about it as an intern!

Your entire comment is illogical and, frankly, stupid.

I’m not questioning myself, I’m choosing to no longer associate with a label that other people caused to become insufferably toxic.

I thought that was really interesting after Ice T’s tweet, because my thought was that his observation is still a lot of folks’ reality. Her tweet in that context seemed really out of touch.