
I know it’s not the takeaway, but a volcano is freaking lame at that age to begin with. We built one with my then four year old for us to play with. We had a great time but unless you have something else backing it up like how eruptions change the environment, etc this is super lazy already.

“I do hope he reconsiders leaving, because someone once told me divorce causes autism.”

This answer kills me. I’m Dianne here.

Seriously, what person that’s ever had sex ed or is over 16 hasn’t heard of using condoms?

Yeah, I have total respect for people who manage that. Sometimes it just doesn’t work out, though. When you’ve got crazy digestive issues and a two year old who can mysteriously manifest crayons from thin air and cover an entire wall in under a minute, I just had to give up and start going with the door open.


Someone pointed this out the other day and I wanted to share because it’s helpful: this person is an iteration of TomatoFace, ubertroll (recently SweetChelsea, among others) and you can tell because Debaro is a varietal of tomato. It’s their thing.


But what about a Chinese girl with green eyes?

Wow. Really? So once a parent has children, they aren’t allowed to change careers (or even jobs) at all? I can’t tell if you’re trolling, or you legitimately think that her husband is bad for wanting to become a teacher.

Its like one of those old stories where the person sells their soul/makes a deal with something to gain fame/fortune/whatever and then refuses to do their end of the deal and so a series of terrible things happens to them.

No, it is more like mad max fury road. The outcry goes way above and beyond just remaking a classic. It’s called misogyny.

It’s a handy time to remember two things — 1) becoming a surgeon isn’t that difficult. It takes work, but it’s well within reach of the average person, if they had the time and money to get through med school, and 2) knowledge in one highly-specific area (neurosurgery) does not at all mean one has meaningful knowledge

The issue I was trying to point out (as others did) is that “viability” is a much squishier term than people would like to think. Technically we can keep a baby born at 22 weeks alive, but it’s a very slim percentage, and the quality of life tends to be...not great. Later on, it really, really depends on the

Except that The Hunger Games already exists with a male lead, under the title of Every Other Action Movie Ever Made: Parts XXI-DCLXVI.

You’re an idiot.

When I first saw the picture and until I made it to the second half of the headline, I was hoping that it was a report of reconciliation. :( At least it’s not a long, drawn-out divorce with custody disputes.

They paused the paperwork in a way that it can be easily refiled at a later date. I think this is less of an attempt to rekindle a marriage, and more a practical move so he has someone stable to be his advocate during the medical emergency. (Apparently his other closest family members are too young or too much of a

One time I was at a very popular brunch spot and had been trying to flag the server down to get my check for, no shit, 45 minutes. He eventually came over and had the balls to complain that people were waiting for our table, and could we please GTFO. I explained he’d never dropped the check and he was mortified. So

This holds up right until the point where you actually talk to a lot of atheists. I’d gladly spend time with any religious person short of the Duggars rather than your average atheist.