Hokay, I've been waiting to jump in on comments for YEARS (I was really bad a double dutch as a kid) and I feel that this may be my moment.
Hokay, I've been waiting to jump in on comments for YEARS (I was really bad a double dutch as a kid) and I feel that this may be my moment.
Was it the iron-worker who was a secret libertarian
Plz try
None of that matters because according to Rashad, this is all a result of a vast conspiracy of people who want to destroy Cosby.
Matt, quit making burners to post about how hot you are. We've discussed this.
I like the pantsuit, I think Raven wears it well. Shoes are super cute, too bad she didn't have lipstick in that shade. The backpack just adds clutter I think, and I wish the hair were a solid color. To each her own I guess. :/
i mean t say its too blleeeee gross, this video made me very uncomfortable
I really wish they wouldn't call Transformers "Trannies #4"
Annie: Ah well, you shouldn't be eating bacon anyway, should you — you're Jewish.
If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, I would consider the possibility that it is a duck, even if it might be a color of duck you have not seen before.
Or just didn't bother with them since they weren't actually going to be working with them on set. These are ambitious driven pros. They're only going to give focus to people they need to and who can advance their agenda. And Hartley, if she were asked, would probably understand this.
Why the fuck would they do that on Dirt Bag? That would be really shitty I think.
An aside: I can't f'n stand Courtney Love, but goddamn, Hole has made some music I adore. I wish I was better at separating the music from Love's personality.
Title is extra large print because readers have starred it, not some cosmic way to make you miserable.
Isn't it "alleged" up until the point someone is convicted?
Because it was so shocking that he didn't know how to respond? Because it was traumatizing and he began emotionally shutting down? Because even in the midst of an assault he may have felt uncomfortable pushing or hitting a woman? Because he, as a victim of assault, didn't feel a responsibility to respond in the…
Why does it fucking matter so much what Shia did or did not do?
Thank you. I was coming here to say exactly that, but you phrased it perfectly.
That said, I can't wait to hear more insightful and well-informed commentary from all the people who crawled out of the woodwork to say "even though he was there and said he was raped, I, random internet asshole, am better-informed than he…
I have learned so many bad things about myself when I first heard the story — because, even though I believe every female rape survivor who comes forward with her story, I still felt incredulous at LaBoeuf's. I fucking hate how primed I am to think about men who are sexually assaulted. It's not fair to them, and it's…