
At least 10% of property insurance claims are fraudulent. That's larger than the FBI's stats for false rape allegations. Do you also automatically assume that anyone who says they had to file a claim with their insurance company for property damages is lying?

Thank you for writing this Rebecca. Purm was also a badass feminist and loved Jezebel.

Well, from personal experience, it was that not only could I not afford the $350 plane ticket home (college on the East Coast, home in the rural Midwest), but my parents could also not afford it. For many, many people, it's a case of "we love you kid, we want to see you so much, and we understand that you're young and

I told my story last year, but the worst Thanksgiving was the one where my then-aunt baited my uncle into breaking down and admitting that he had been having an affair between sobs. With his children there to watch.

I'm lucky, my parents and inlaws get along very well and we generally all just want to stuff ourselves, play with the babies and lie around watching movies. But my mother relates the Thanksgiving of 1961, when my great-grandmother came to dinner.

I want to talk to both your uncle and whomever cleared your grandfather to leave with cdiff (not that they could've held your grandfather, but your uncle should've been made to think reeeeal hard). The community risk, both infectious and emotional, is astounding. I hope your uncle was sorry, at least. Jesus, hugs to

I think your dad ruined it, though...

Jeez, Dad, step it up. You started this, you can help finish it.

The pitbull owner has no intention of paying for your dogs medical bills. Make the complaint to animal control and make a claim on his homeowners insurance. If he doesn't have any, take him to small claims court. When you win you can put a lean on his property.

What the fuck, "deep chilled"? Oh man. Best of luck with that. I hope it goes okay. *crosses fingers for you*

Honestly, I can't stop thinking about the barf. So much glitter.

These stories are so dissimilar in intent, crime and characters that your statement essentially makes no sense.

A police officer that works at Burger King? Is this something that could happen?