I think he is referring to the visual part only, which is what Republicans always seem to point to...how much more red there is on the actual map, forgetting population density.
I think he is referring to the visual part only, which is what Republicans always seem to point to...how much more red there is on the actual map, forgetting population density.
When ESPN said it would show the rest of the 2018 Formula One season without commercials after its catastrophe of an…
If he really owns a ‘99 Grand Vitara, his cool factor just went up half a notch in my book.
Mahk is a national treasure!
Fucking what?
I liked every single concept/variation. Every single one.
OH man, that livery in photo #2. Swoooooooon
Cadillac’s Situation Continues To Escalade
Dirt doesn’t elect people so an area map is not representative of the amount of state that voted for either candidate.
Plenty of blue states are racist as hell.
Looks like GM might want to avoid hiring people from deep-blue New Jersey, New York, and Rhode Island into their factories then:/. Or maybe start a plant in the Dakotas or Utah.
The star and the Jack Black salute are definitely appreciated. If you feel the need to do more, make sure to piss off a moron with your motorcycle for me. If I randomly get a warm fuzzy later I’ll know why.
My car may or may not shoot fire and make gunshot noises when clutching in under the right circumstances, it just so happens that passing one of these clowns is one of those circumstances.
*swing state
Red state gonna red state? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Wait, Kristen, I thought you lived in the US?
For me, it seems when someone is significantly under the speed limit there is usually a phone being held in place. I’m surprised by the number of vehicles which certainly have bluetooth and the driver is holding the phone. I hate holding a phone to my ear.
While I don’t ride, I’ve found the sport mode setting on my Cherokee is a great passing tool, haha.
It seems like more and more lately I’ve been coming across drivers in front of me going ten to twenty under the limit. Roads can be straight, dry, and defect free, morning, day, and night, but they’ll still crawl along.
This is the kind of person someone, who totally isn’t me, would likely pass on a double yellow with a motorbike while making sure to downshift to the lowest possible gear.
#1 tip for not being judged by the barista