Decay buys too many beaters

I’m pretty sure I can apply it to any niche car that’s far more likely to be a second or third car than a primary. See Miata also

Same, that color is gorgeous, and the option sheet is just right

Tell that to the people paying over new MSRP for USED manual GT3s. 

And preferably a 6 cylinder engine!


I don’t understand the purpose of low power, low weight cars like this and the 4c that don’t have manual gearboxes.

Still automatic only?


I mean it’s ok, not quite up to this level yet

I have a $3 alignment system from horrorfright tools


Do rulers and string count? 

Alignment is one of those things that I have one or two shops I go to which pretty much just do that.

That said, I get close enough with string and rulers on my chump car. 

I’m sure there are yoube videos with how tos just like most other platforms. That said, the death of the car forum probably makes it a LOT harder for people to get their feet wet these days. 

And people still wonder why I do my own maintenance. 

Harley did Buell so dirty, I definitely wouldn’t kick one out of the garage. And I’m glad you think it’s clean! It’s been organized a bit better since this photo. I actually took it to show off the lighting, as I’d just installed LED shop lights throughout.

I do miss V-twin noises (first bike was a Virago, had an

The new supercub is so freaking cool. Honda needs to hurry up and bring them stateside so I can waste more money on vehicles I don’t need

This is one of the rare shots where almost everything runs. The green vespa is the only thing in “project status”, it’s in the process of getting a new motor after grenading the old one.

Neutral: This is my garage.

There’s popular vote, and total percentage, and area map, all in my screenshot. Any way you slice it, it went red. Show me how that isn’t true.

Thats why there's numbers 😀