
The quality of this headline almost makes this whole nightmare worthwhile.

The 2017 Academy Award for Best Film, Golden Globe for Best TV show and highest-margin box office film since Blair Witch Project all agree with you.

You've clearly not seen this movie. So much better than those others. Opinions of things you haven't experienced are THE BEST!

I often disagree with Maher, but he offers one of the only popular platforms that doesn't play directly into the talking points of the existing culture war. I really appreciate the diversity of voices he provides space for, even if the conversation often devolves into frustrated squabbling from both sides.

You won't be wishing that when Putin goes after Canada's arctic oil reserves and Trump turns a blind eye (I'm Canadian).

Well, they can't all be Phantom Menace, can they?

This feels like a lighthearted deleted scene from Birdman.

Given that celebrity culture exists, and will likely continue to exist, aren't you glad to see it capable of plot lines that reverberate a little deeper into experiences of loss and relatable personal struggle? If you weren't hearing about Patton Oswald's wife, you'd be hearing about Kanye West's most recent

Yeah, my personal testing would put the crazy chocolatey ones (like Georgia Mud Fudge and Chocolate X-Treme) much higher on the list as well.

They should have done a rated R cut - that's the wheelhouse of everybody involved. Going after the toy market is always too cynical a move, regardless of intentions.

I agree - they have the biggest young audience that acts like they're old, as in, specifically non-cord cutters, people still willing to watch 15 minutes of commercials during The Big Bang Theory. I don't mean to impinge that group too strongly, but it's not a good bet for the future of TV as

You took them right when they went from interesting alt-rock to off-brand Nickelback, unfortunately.

Critics are useless because other people's opinions don't matter, but you will spend time on comment boards making sure everybody hears and understands your opinions on critics.

That "B" grade for Ghostbusters was some heavy-handed propaganda, huh?

Kate McKinnon, Cecily Strong and Aidy Bryant get the most consistent laughs from me these days. YMMV, but I think their personalities and presence are easily stronger than most of the men at the moment.

Quality riff.


A correction is needed in the last paragraph of this article. "As emoji governing body Unicode notes, the designs pictured above are just mock-ups, and the final images could vary slightly when they’re released later this month."

The problem is that nobody's actually seen the movie, leaving the reasons for hating it so much somewhat limited…

I thought the same thing. This doesn't necessarily seem like a goodbye album though, ala Cash and Bowie. Right?