
You're telling me you think the best episode of Marco Polo is better than the worst episode of Game of Thrones?

I'm not sure what other television shows you're watching, but I'd love to find out if you think season five was awful by comparison.

Agree. All delivered in a single, unforgiving take. How do you even memorize that many lines, let alone deliver all of them so naturally?

That comes out in this short.

There's a free iOS update today that makes this feature built-in for all phones, not just the new one.

I would assume fairly low, with the notable exception that every single gold iPhone is owned by a Trump supporter.

Look, I'm a man. What I'm arguing against is this deeply entrenched false equivalency that so many men have latched onto recently. There's this literalism that gets applied to every situation, forcing every issue to be binary: either men are completely evil and women completely noble, or there's no validity to the

"And men are still the more likely to be victims of a violent crime than women." By other men.

What's a cuck, exactly?

I'm a dude, but your comment had its intended effect. I get it, you hate women. I am not one, I just don't hate them like you do. I'm married to one, and father to another.

I hope you and Jack Sprat are gay for each other – and I don't mean that as a homophobic slur – I mean, I literally hope you and Jack enjoy sucking each other off, because forming real relationships with real women sounds like it's off the table.

I don't understand what's happening now. You're treating me like an abused house wife? What's your position, exactly?

A simple "no, I have not figured out how to form meaningful relationships" would have sufficed.

Really? Never? No actual misogyny in the world competing for that crown? No centuries of abuse and subjugation?

You are doing a very poor job of "treating people like individuals", because what you perceive as "mindless feminism" is a majority of people who are not you refuting your rhetoric as ignorant and hostile.

None of those words remotely map to the words I was using. Who's talking about chivalry? Who's talking about girls winning? I'm a boy, and you and I are not on the same side.

So you don't think the president deserves more public criticism than your mom? Putin doesn't deserve more criticism than your racist neighbor? China doesn't deserve more criticism than Thailand?

As I said further down, my argument would be better expressed as, "The asshole with power deserves criticism more than the asshole without it."

No, my argument would be better expressed as, "The asshole with power deserves criticism more than the asshole without it."

Not a strawman when I'm talking to you, Jack. Unless you are literally saying that *you* are a strawman.