Meh, I live in Europe and love the stinky raw milk cheeses popular in France, Germany and Italy so I would try century eggs. No thanks to ortolons or cincinnati chili though.
Meh, I live in Europe and love the stinky raw milk cheeses popular in France, Germany and Italy so I would try century eggs. No thanks to ortolons or cincinnati chili though.
Except Charlie Hebdo and others HAVE made fun of Christianity and upset many people.
"You're all wrong this IS a conspiracy by the Illuminati. THEY are the ones behind the anti-vaxxer movment so they can implement their evil depopulation plan and institute the New World Order. Plus their stocks in Big Pharma will go up more selling "remedies" for diseases cheap vaccines could prevent. Wake up…
Thank you.
It actually took place on Phobos and Deimos (and hell so pretty sure physics doesn't apply there).
After a lot of experimentation, I settled on Comply comfort tips with my RHA 600i IEMs. Seriously the best compromise between comfort and noise isolation for me personally. I am an ex-pat Canadian living in Europe and I fly to Canada (Vancouver) about once a year for many years now. Usually an 8-9 hour flight from…
Sorry I don't have any names to mention but I am very interested in seeing some decent recommendations. I've looked at a few and my main concern is not how well the touchscreen will respond, it's how well one can grip and hold the phone. I have an iPhone 6 in a Griffin Reveal case (no way I'd consider using gloves on…
Sorry I don't have any names to mention but I am very interested in seeing some decent recommendations. I've looked…
Makes sense to me actually too.
Heh, I actually got my current pair of RHA 600i IEMs at the Apple store and they are the best I've ever tried (tried Sennheiser , Etymotic as well as Apple's own IEM). So you can get pretty decent stuff for good value in audio even at the Apple shop. I don't think Beats are bad at all, just overrated and I personally…
Pretty sure Jimmy Savile and Roman Polanski are not popular at least in US/UK media. Woody Allen is another case though...
I agree, funny thing is I am a child of Greek immigrants and phyzish is right it is used in some interpretations of Greek dishes. My folks were born in Egypt for example and the one time large Greek comuunity there made their own variations of Greek cuisine - just like the different islands or regions of Greece. Mom…
Ok I'll bite, why is that? I hate the idea of this sriracha beer or the doughtnut/bacon ale someone else posted but some of their other stuff looks like it might be good.
"the fuck why would anyone do that i am so sorry you had to witness this adultosaur" yea that is pretty sick.
Maybe the steaksicle couple were werewolves? This reminds me of a story I read as a kid about weird new neighbours from "Eastern Europe." Boy befriends boy from new family, very very hairy monobrow kid but pretty cool and loves outdoor stuff. Kid goes over to dinner and notices whole family is very hairy and the Dad…
Jimmy Savile?
Agree this looks great, great job Google. I'm an ios fanboy to boot. :)
Well I'd love to see those people try this stunt in the Canadian north preaching to Inuit. Even better go to the Middle East like during the recent festival of Eid al-Adha (feast of the sacrifice) where loads of sheep and goats are slaughtered and the meat given to the poor. Especially in territory controlled by the…
Maybe if I had become a vegan when I was a kid I could have put out cats in that box for their cruelty to moles, mice and birds. Plus the mess bringing their corpses to our front door.
When I first saw these, as a Canadian I was intrigued. As already mentioned we don't do this. I also imagine it tastes more crispy, oily, salty like most fried snacks. I keep thinking they ought to taste like maple syrup somehow. That would be a good thing to dip them into.