Not sure where Smrol is from, but trust me bread in Europe is not like that. Some kinds have "tough" crusts but marvellous insides. I have never heard of Panera before reading your column but have found plenty of good bread in the US.
Not sure where Smrol is from, but trust me bread in Europe is not like that. Some kinds have "tough" crusts but marvellous insides. I have never heard of Panera before reading your column but have found plenty of good bread in the US.
Hell, that reminds me of an old Peanuts cartoon when Lucy asks Linus to make her some hot chocolate. She complains saying it tastes like hot water someone put a brown crayon in, and Linus tasting it agrees, saying "I'll go put in another crayon".
"Fixed That For You" or "Fixed It For You" when you edit another person's quote - usually in a humorous way.
The number of people commenting like yourself who have not actually read the article and not realised it is in fact a parody is both amusing and worrying.
Option "unfriend" click. Problem solved (well unless it is family).
Haha, doesn't stop me drinking but I have cut waaayyy down. Hard stuff is a per year thing, and I really avoid it at least two hours before bed...when I have broken these rules I pay the price. Not worth it.
I can vouch for that. Alcohol is even worse btw.
Drool, eat, chest pain, die with smile.
Isn't that just like bread and drippings?
Is it bad I actually googled "Ted Cruz is a toilet horse" and got this link?
Well thanks for the info. I just googled and she looks like an interesting person, will check out the comic. I think I've been away from Canada too long.
Except the creators said she is a cat, or rather the personification of a cat. Seriously, you didn't see that Kotaku phoned Sanrio to clarify?
Who the fuck is Kate Beaton? Don't tell me to google.
Nope, both are crap.
Actually, both Tim Horton's and Dunkin' Donuts are shit.
Me: 1 second - "Looks amazing!" 2 seconds later - *NOM NOM NOM* all sweets on this page stuffed into mouth.
Oh, I figured as much - my smarm meter goes pretty high whenever conservative/Fox/assholes are mentioned anywhere online or IRL.
Well, I'm bald and white (and hopefully not conservative) and I think Michelle is beautiful too! Neither extreme (500 pounds or you know, anorexic) is healthy but there is room for different shapes and sizes here. Like yardoz above mentioned, Asia has different standards.
I love figs and decomposed wasps.