Deborah Hymes

Hard to say. The show hasn't really given her much to do aside from being the lone female in a bro-centric culture, and often the one person who tries to balance the human side with the numbers. She's the only "real" person on the show — the most relatable in many ways.

//what did Jared say that Gavin once threw down a flight of stairs?//

Brilliant! I didn't even catch that.

//The guy sabotaging entire companies and ruining countless lives to satisfy a vendetta is probably the villain.//

//That guy that handles Axe's dirty work, where was he? I've never caught his name. But isn't it weird he wasn't involved in any of this?//

If we don't see Clyde in the next two episodes I'm calling the authorities to report him missing.

//“How was school?” “Not great. They made me teach.”//

//Joan doesn’t reply to Sherlock’s outburst—a common thing for her, and one I think the show leans on a little too often, given that so much of her psychology is still opaque in comparison to Sherlock.//

//Axe had her fooled about the "wanting to change" tearjerker, which we later saw was a complete farce as he faced off with Chuck.//

What I'm looking forward to in S3: Taylor collaborating with and learning from Axe, right up until they have to go against him. Axe making a sincere effort to be a better man as his determination to destroy Chuck reaches fever pitch. Wendy continuing to refuse to choose between the two men who both love her and yet


I must have watched the same 100% totally legal stream that you did. Very frustrating! I found this link to a full-ep stream and clicked over to the last 5 minutes:

I don't share the Clara-hate. In fact, I'd LOVE to see a 2-hr special where Jenna Coleman & Maisie Williams are adventuring!

Found this article. Is this the one you're thinking of?

//Matters of race, appropriation, colonization, and the degree to which we can or cannot construct our own identities…if that's life and death for somebody, as it is for a lot of people, they may not want to discuss it with you as if it's just a fun thing to chat about.//

hahaha!! Basically, you leave a flaming bag of poo on their doorstep. =))

Good points. And I think Allyson Hobbs wraps up this argument really well:

Also this: "There is no essentialized, fixed, 'true identity' waiting just below the surface. Identities are contingent, elusive and, as the cultural theorist Stuart Hall argued, “always in process.”'

//What would a black man be without Jim Crow to define him?//

//People I have heard of who have thought that transracialism was a thing:
1. Rachel Dolezal
2. now, you.//