Deborah Hymes

I don't get the Jessa-hate. She's no worse as a person than any of the other characters, and she's a whole lot more interesting than some of the others (lookin' at you, Marnie!).

//Why the fuck did she unpack the tea set in first place? Who does that?//

What Hannah's doing is creative non-fiction, rather than "reporting" or even "journalism." Both deal with real people and events, but the writer's presence in a piece of creative non-fiction seems right up Hannah's alley. "I give zero fucks about anything, yet I have a strong opinion about everything, even topics I'm

I'm trying to watch this show from simultaneously differing perspectives — like switching off between different pairs of glasses to compare how the show looks through alternative lenses. My two favorites at the moment:

//the case of the week seldom feels like anything other than a red herring or a chance for some comic relief//

Actress who plays E is Sian Brooke. From production photos of this season's shooting, she seems to appear in some scenes with Sherlock in the remaining episodes. We'll see!

//Really, all I want is more Rupert Graves.//

Exactly. The whole thing felt both over-plotted and weirdly random.

YES. I immediately began wondering whether the restaurant is an MI5 cover operation, is the delivery guy an undercover agent, etc. Chinese takeout just got exponentially more complicated!

It's SJP's lack of acting chops. Not the reviewer's fault!

It's the squinting.

What we're discovering is that SJP hasn't grown as an actor since SATC. Her entire demeanor is as though Carrie Bradshaw suddenly woke up one morning and found herself in this scenario. Nothing rings true — or seems funny — because the character's emotional maturity lags so greatly behind her age.

//I hope they never forget to keep making him be a dick when there's no reason to be//

This is fascinating! I did feel like I was probably missing out on plot & character development in that scene. Thank you!!

//Second: Can someone post a translation of what the cab driver was saying? I’d love to see a transcript.//

//I think this Jenny Slate haircut is my favorite.//

Oh, they did get *physical* and it's shocking, for sure. And it's also consistent character development. This scene is always where Jessa & Adam were heading.

Agreed. And remember when they first got together, Jessa said that they would destroy each other? Like, Adam-dead-Jessa-headed-for-Mexico-pregnant destroyed? The whole fight — and its aftermath — had that apocalyptic feel to it, which brought their arc full-circle.

Oh wait . . . they WERE at Tally's, weren't they?! OK, now I'm totally confused.

And THEN he gets drunk with Hannah's mom and flirts with her, too: "I'm about three beers away from trying to f*ck you." =))