
I played for 9 years, and finally had my fill and packed up. The enjoyment of Eve comes not so much from the game itself, but from the emergent systems of super-alliances and coalitions, of making friends with whom you share suffering and triumph. The game itself, because ‘anything goes short of real life threats and

“We need to move on from spoiler culture- it’s lame.”

No longer really care about Star Wars. It was a nice trio of movies back in the day. Propping up this legacy with mediocre games and movie pre/se-quels has stripped away any real relevance of the IP. There are other, frankly better stories out there these days.

I played Eve Online for 9 years. The last corp I was in before leaving the game had a ‘you MUST have push to talk enabled on voice comms’ rule, inspired by one member in particular who ALWAYS ate while gaming. To be fair, Eve’s usual pace is well suited to having a whole meal during sessions, as one warps around star

“This incident should prompt outlets like CNN to have greater scrutiny toward official police statements in the future, as massive media entities such as these tend to take what the police say at face value. After all, most people who are apprehended by the police for similarly don’t have the privilege of getting

Well said. Every election is important. Dog catcher is important, if its an elected position. The small steps lead to the big steps, quite often, and if bad people are moving up the ladder, eventually it’s just bad people to vote for. As, y’know, were faced with now. Im really not sure which rich white racist creepy

Because Biden will totally appoint progressive justices, unlike his most recent predecessor Dem., who appointed moderates or conservatives, and still got shot down. Clinton got the ball rolling on caving to conservatives, Nancy Pelosi can’t get enough of going down on republican cock when actually voting on the issues

Salt: Meet wound.

Sorry...slapstick? Sure you can create just about anything, from serious multi-stage rockets to joke robots that catch a rocket cigar and smoke it, but the game isnt so much ‘slapstick’ as ‘welp, guess THAT design needs some rethink. Can you put a writer who’s actually familiar with the game on it? Even if its just

Excellently written. One thing to add. When vulture capitalists bought into Toys R Us, they immediately debt-loaded the company with huge loans against assets, paid themselves off using the loan money, and left TRU with staggering debt.

See I tried that without the science fiction part.  I just got out...

Burn ALL of them into the ground.  Mobile ‘gaming’ is a cesspit.

Basically, it’s incredibly hard to ever collect against these companies. China does not really recognize IP nor copyright law, and they almost always side with their own nationals, and will not enforce these suits.

The part of me that loved dumb GI JOE acronym vehicle names from the 80's, loves this.

Was going to say, you said, so here’s your star.

I hear ya. I’m still in a mad place about politics and corporate money. I at this point will never ascribe good intention to a corp’s actions, no matter how seemingly noble the action. Always look at what a corp has been up to, and situate any single action into a greater web of action and reaction. That’s why this

Speak like a shill, get called on it.

Hi. Incredibly rude response for you. Don’t read it. Here goes:

Yes, the sales go to Lockheed, not to reimburse the taxpayers.

Quiveringly rapt attention, and maybe a bit too much enthusiasm here.