
I would watch the reaction to that trainwreck, in much the way I am loving the reaction to Cats.

What you said, and also your screen name, earned you this star.

I would say that while that is not UNtrue, that gaming is a subset of the culture at large, and there are narratives at work to disenfranchise anything that is not how the world used to be. There is a very strong pushback against progressive values that says ‘let people live their lives, and seek their fullest

As others have said, Mass Effect was hugely inspired by Syd Mead.  The look of the Normandy, the citadel, the tall tower blocks on various planets.  His influence is everywhere.

The amount of people missing your sarcasm.  Well done.  Here’s your star.

I was wondering why all the hate. I don’t much follow pro gaming, and hadn’t heard of her before. The article doesn’t mention she’s trans, but that clarifies all the hate and vitriol. Small people WILL be scared of things being outside their comfort zones.

I don’t even know what planet I’m on these days. A woman gamer died and that’s worthy of screaming vitriol?

It is illegal to change lanes through an intersection for this very reason.  Most places that I know, at least.

O_O  Hi friend.  I live in Ypsilanti.  The rent is lower and the traffic is..less of a nightmare.  I used to drive cabs in A2 back before Uber/Lyft destroyed a half-decent working class job, and all I can say is, EVERYONE needs an intense refresher on road rules in that town.  I can only imagine it’s gotten worse in

The term common sense should be banned.  PRACTICAL sense, now that’s a real thing, that can be taught.

No, this seems like a pretty solid reply to a guy who slings around defamatory language.  You reap what you sow, Elon, you pedo childfucking shitbag.

And overpriced at that point, as well.

So I’ll give this a shot. I played that stupid beautiful game for 9 and a bit years.

I have a newfangled energy scheme.  I just need to hook these dynamos up to your eyeballs. I figure we can power a city, at least.

Speak for...ah hell you’re not wrong.

Because vegans (and this is why they are universally despised) are almost universally pursuing their diet not because of dietary necessity but believed moral superiority, and anyone who cares that much about it must rub it in your face at every opportunity.

This was my take as well.

You mean Creepio? “Father!”

I love the thought but the part of me that expects history to repeat itself is going to insert the ugly spector of Nixon, post-resignation, dodging impeachment and removal from office hearings - he was pardoned almost immediately by his VP. I would expect Pence to follow suit. On the other hand, maybe Pence is so sick

Plain cake donuts are delicious. But only right after they’re made. 45 minutes or longer out of the fryer, forget it, you might as well eat bread.