
Gonna be that guy. I watched the episode and kind of enjoyed its seedy-underbelly vibe. Then babbe yoda appeared and I noped out, hard. I was actually liking the lack of jedi and to then have it veer right back into the parts that disney keeps getting wrong was a deal-breaker. I guess I should’ve known it was coming.

I want an end to RICH priviledge. No special rights. No special treatment in the courts. ‘Welp, you killed someone, but you’re rich, so your sentence is one hour of community service, which you can complete at home, and promise never ever to do it again.’

On average, you’re wholly right. Unfortunately.

I completely understand your sentiment, but he is all too much a part of humanity. Slavery is as human as it gets, unfortunately.

Hi Maya who makes me smile! I like the name.

Hey Maya. Just checked in. I’m sorry you’re hurting. Being homeless is that neverending sore spot. I still have a twitch reflex anytime I come home, wondering if my stuff is still there. When it happened to me I was young, uninformed, and scrambling to try to make rent and when I came home, all my belongings, or what

Hi Maya in the UK.

Hey UK Friend Who Keeps Up With My Changing Signature! (I love it)

Hey Friend in the UK!

I’m glad I responded. Sometimes literally just kind words can make the difference. Being alone is the worst thing, since we are social beasts.

Hey new friend in the UK.

Happy to help. Off to catch some z, and then a shift tonight, and then my monday/tuesday weekend starts.

Yeah, I’ve ended up in a good place. I have a job I don’t like, but it does pay alright. A shared house with people I very much like. A couple hobbies. A cat companion whose ‘welcome home human you’re back!’ routine is heartmelting and therapeutic. He’s seriously the best cat ever.

I struggled with homelessness (for a couple months, I was not alone, lucky me) and depression and joblessness and a faithless (now former) best friend whom I will not speak the name of without spitting and wishing ill upon. I now joke that I went through the ‘old-time country music’ phase of my life (no job, no place

Just learning of this this moment, reading your post and other’s comments. Hope you’re well, or on your way to well.  Since I don’t know any of there no-one else in your life you can tap for help while things are bad?

Sorry, your name...I know a Scott Summers, haven’t seen him for years, shared a house for a bit.

You can find such terrible things on sites like LiveLeak and 4chan. I watched because I have a stern rule of looking into things to know for myself. Mostly the footage is old, and oft-repeated, but every so often some new sociopath comes along to chip away at your innocence just a little more. Or sometimes not so

Yes but that was African American players protesting policing that is regarded as abusive and more punitive towards minorities, which Republicans firmly disavow. THIS situation is an American company censoring criticism of China for fear of losing access to the billions of potential sales there because one player’s


Speak for yourself.  I regret nothing.