
You forgot that they now function as a lobby organization for weapon manufacturers.  Other than that, spot on.

Going through college, I picked up a night shift at a gas station. One night a deaf woman came in, tried to sign what she wanted (pack of smokes). I didn’t understand, so I passed her paper and pen and smiled. She angrily wrote her order, flung the pen at me. I gave her the smokes and rang her up and wished her a

Timely and horrible.  Here is your pulled-from-my-clenched-fist star.

Welcome to wormholes, newb.  ;P

Consider this your anti-star.  No.  Stop now.  This is what bad is made of.

I share a charger my roomie owns, I give him money every month for the use.

Warhammer 40K Plague Marine. One of the Death Guard, a corrupted legion that follows/is possessed by Nurgle, lord of decay, disease, and putrification. Also death, but that’s redundant, all the chaos gods have death in their portfolio.

I played this marvelous monstrosity for 9+ years, finally had enough in 2013. I still reminisce fondly about the friendships I made (even keeping in touch with a couple people outside the game to this date). Talking about some of the small-gang combat shenanigans we used to get up to can still make my palms sweat and

Okay. One, I fucking love your screen name.

So very well said. I was a taxi driver for 12 and a bit years, back before UberLyft destroyed what was a decent working class job to replace it with the gig economy, which doesn’t even work as they propose it.

I went and engaged in a 20 minute flop on the floor and scritch session with the cat I cohabitate with.  He’s an absolute sweetheart, always down for scritch therapy.  Such a purr.

So is it a joke?

Geese are obnoxious and should be eradicated as another pest animal.

I thank her for her service. However, she’s probably serving shit beer, so she still needs to learn her place.

Yeah, I’m resigned to a high velocity gray matter purge at some point.

Heresy.  You will burn.  Taxing the rich is against the will of the American religion - Kill (all the various shades of) Brown People, Hoard All the Money, and Pretend This Is Still a Democracy.  There’s other commandments, but those are the major ones.

Heya fellow Michiganian. I don’t have a burner account like the cool kids.

Knowing the history of Gearbox, and Pitchford, I’m biased against Pitchford...however, the real possibility, given these two were ‘friends’ (whatever that means in terms of human slimeballs) is that BOTH of them are vile pieces of shit who deserve what’s coming, and won’t get it half as bad as they deserve.

I could not have said better. I was a wormholer...wormholeer? Dweller of the non-local chat?... For 3 and some years. Part of a small corp, notorious for using high-end t3 cruisers to do horrible things to fleets three times our size.

My comment was not on whether the employees were justified.  (They weren’t.)  I was replying to someone who said police are not private security.  While that is debatable, when management calls to have someone trespassed off their property, it is the police’s job to remove the person.