
It’s kind of both.

Now you’re just lying to make the neckbeards like me like you.

I played for 9 years. It’s fantastic when you find your ‘fun (whatever you enjoy doing)’ but there’s too much damned drudgery in between (unless you enjoy resource gathering and logistics, in which case I have a business proposition...).

Clearly you are all the bad things that trump trolls call people. Consider yourself properly informed.

Makes you wonder if they ever were. A lot of historical evidence (cops bashing in union striker’s heads at the orders of the company bosses, and tons of other abuses) suggests that ‘honest cop’ might be more of a fiction than we even realize now, with video evidence to expose the truth.

The best advice I can give is, find a small/medium sized corp. Join. Get on their voice comms (if they don’t have voice comms don’t even bother). It adds SO MUCH to have a group of like-minded cohorts working towards a goal. Myself, despite never leaving the continental USA (I’m monetarily poor [but rich in spirit,

Oh, it already was. The smell of patchouli and unwashed dreads reeks from every minmatar hull out there.

Nice tone you’ve got on the legs from all those conclusion jumps.

No. Republicans are a lower form of life, and not deserving of the same considerations as moral, thinking humans. (not ‘republican’ moral, mind you, that’s just a dog and pony show - I mean actually behaving civilly towards others).

You mean never NOT buy Dark Souls.

Easy there feller. Don’t hurt yourself rushing to judge other people there, you might get a sprain or something.

The twists you had to contort through to arrive at that response were amazing. Do you perform in the circus by chance?

Religions should be offended at every turn, for they are offensive. Get your thinking out of the stone ages people.

What is needed to stop a bad guy, is a good guy with Pokemon Go.

‘I hate a popular thing, and here’s a thing that parodies it so it’s awesome.’

Damned bigots, being over here and ruining everything. They should be rounded up and shot.

Knowing a few racists, homophobic bigots, and other savory sorts in the working class, with whom I share my daily toil, such views are not thought of, by the individual, as shameful. There are many justifications, anecdotes (heard from a buddy/coworker/relative/etc.) as to why these attitudes are okay, but in the end

THE WALL CAN’T COME FAST...just kidding, I f’ing love KSP to death and pieces and I couldn’t care who makes it, just that it’s good.

Dude. Aperture-engineered roombas spray acid across the floor to dissolve all dirt particles, food leavings, and dessicated human skin leavings. Also your cat, your dog, your science project notes on a kitchen floor resistant to acid...

What the hell is this? Your news story is as long as the headline. No details. No links. No NOTHING.