
Okay, heard of Super before. Gonna go watch it now. Sounds like my sort of movie.

Chalkboards. Not even dry erase.

What we should be saying is ‘fuck for-profit healthcare’. Basic, fundamental services should not be priced ‘as high as the market will bear, and then a bit more so we need to pay money into the ‘get sick lottery’ for just in case.

I understand your priority, I do, warhammer is one of the franchises I’ve loved the longest. But that’s just it, they are playing you and your reverence for the IP, in order to garner your dollars without waiting for a proper review. So long as you fall for that trap, publishers will continue to publish day-one broken

I love all their non-starter apologies and excuses for why they have to cut core content to be sectioned off as DLC.

No, I was referring to film-noir being in gray scale black and white. Blade Runner is not muted, it’s vibrant. Even the street level bustle has lots of neon highlights. If anything it’s the overworld that’s more subdued.

I’m actually going to defend the troll here, since i made the blade runner reference (and then you can put me up against the wall, because I don’t want to live in this universe anymore).

Oh my god, I laughed so hard. You owe me a new (non-coffee infused) monitor, you shit. Okay, I get it now. Good troll.

Here is how to not get it so hard you actually prove the point. I bet you think Blade Runner is a boring movie with too few scenes of shooting illegal human looking robots and Deckard’s robot shootin’ skills go under-utilized.

Plinkett did a better job. Just link to those vids. Even with the (SPOILERS!) weird subplots of the kidnapped woman who escapes, and then comes back for revenge, those are some stellar analyses of the problems of the prequels.

What well choreographed fight did you watch? I watched people intentionally swing and miss a lot or swing at the enemy’s blade. Choreography of all of the light saber fights in the prequels was dull and uninteresting and looked rehearsed, not spontaneous or ‘happening in the moment’.

Great, and the ruining of yoda and the force continues.

Problem spotted. Stop using the inferior control input. M/K for life. War thunder is not a combat sim. Drive that axiom through your skull, and lodge it firmly in the grayish pink fats within. It is a computer game that LOOKS like a sim. None of the planes perform like their real world counterparts, except in the most

Huh. When I’m in my spits, I ruin 109s. When I’m in my 109s, I ruin spits.

I question your use of the word ‘brave’. This is not bravery. When one puts oneself in violation of a contract and risks the loss of benefits or access to cheat on it, that’s not brave, that’s just greed. The workaround is interesting but the thing obtained is not, for instance, saving someone’s life at risk of

Roger Ebert (Mr. ‘Video Games are not Art’) gave all three of the star wars prequels good reviews, thus proving he either had no taste or was a paid shill. I seem to recall he gave one of those hugely flawed films 5 stars, or whatever his perfect score was. That was eye-opening to me, as a much younger moviegoer.

Small Town, America. Where family values have a whole different meaning, and where ‘living down to movie stereotypes of small town america’ is a fervent goal.

Literally opened this article just to post the reply you made. Who do they even think they’re fooling?

No it’s a mind-deadening thought virus, like all religions (cults).

Lol birth rates. We’d have to shoot...I forget, like thousands a day, to even make a dent in the birth rate. Now if only we could harness these mass shootings for getting rid of rabidly pro-gun enthusiasts, and ultra-right and ultra-left wingers, to leave the sensible moderates...