
I couldn’t work up a full ass worth of care.

“Nope. Nope. Nope.”

I am obsessed with the single player mode. No other game is so fulfilling, and the multiplayer cooperative, while it has its merits, can be rather finicky and awkward without the right partner.

Yeah, a bunch of cosplayers, a bunch of whom are ex-military (so I have heard, don’t take this as truth), probably WOULD stand a chance, since they actually might know how to aim. ;P

Yeah, sorry, gaming still doesn’t care about your statement of difference. You’re a mutant offshoot of PC masterrace, and probably should be purged at some point. Suffer not the mutant yadda yadda yadda blah blah blah.

Well, he escaped Konami. Maybe this was his escape ticket. In which case, there are WAY worse things than some titillation. Granted, another over-exposed female in a game has been added to the pile. On the other hand, maybe he’ll land somewhere better.

I am given to understand that there are fans of Formula 1, and then there are fans of the F1 meta around teams, the F1 officials, and owners, and drivers. Not sure how the two compare, but it’s certainly very similar in terms of entertainment value.

Now I am intrigued. What show is this?

Ah Uber. The service that flaunts years of established transport law in order to rip off its own drivers, charge ridiculously more during busy times, and sexually assault and beat passengers with drivers who aren’t regulated or managed in any way.

*90 percent of humanity... Also, never in your lifetime have to search and search and search for parking downtown ever again!

No. N. O.

Top 10, certainly. Many people don’t appreciate it, but I personally loved it.

Jim Fucking Sterling son did an episode about this very topic on the Jimquisition monday. Worth a watch, especially since he has sources saying this stuff is window dressing to the real nightmare of working there.

Unlike the hipster too cool for everything brigade that write for gawker media, real people did enjoy this show.

Star Wars Prequel Hate is real. And it is a good thing. No seriously still fuck those movies and Lucas. He didn’t ruin my childhood, he just killed my love of Star Wars.

0083 > any non-UC series. That is all. Believable protagonists and antagonists. Nobody is ‘evil for evil’s sake’. Hell, the main protagonist is on a mission to recover a Gundam meant to deliver nuclear strikes against the colonies. The main antagonist is a believable, driven zealot who is still human...hell, moreso,

I don’t get the hate for True Detective, except that it doesn’t cater to ADHDs and their inability to take in scenes that are developed with tons of mood at a slower pace. Wind yourself down, and breathe in the atmosphere of it. That’s what TD is really good at.

Gawker. Now with more clickbait and douchebags. Wait no; about the same.

Warning: Trust nothing you see in a Creative Assembly Total War ‘gameplay’ video. Rome 2’s trailers showed misleading graphics in their preview vids. As far as AI goes, don’t expect much. If they finally figure it out, it will have been more than a DECADE in coming.

Even if he stopped, I would have no sympathy. He ruins the game for legitimate players and gets paid for it. Boo fucking who he got caught and shamed. He only regrets getting caught, not performing the actions in the first place and making other people’s game experience less fun. Screw him right into a light socket