
Abusive players are abusive because they believe that they are right. Their expectation is that society should change to accept their behavior. If you want to change their behavior, you have to change their entire mindset.

Drew Barrymore puked in the cab of a cab driver I knew in Ann Arbor, when they were filming some roller derby film with her in it. Her bodyguard handed him $500. I have never so wanted a passenger to puke in MY cab. o_O mean their successful FUNDING trail. So far they have two single player tech demo flight areas, and a hangar for you to walk around in and look at your ships. It’s not like they’ve lived up to all the promised features, yet.

Everyone crying about the Bothans fails. The Bothans stole the SECOND death star plans. The one from ROTJ. You are excommunicated as fans for not knowing something this trivially basic from a baseline canonical source. Seppuku with light saber (or for lack of availability, a spork may be substituted, as it too is a

I playz the warthunders. It is a ww2 planes/tanks ‘sim’ (sim in quotes here because the difficulty level affects how realistic it is - arcade battles are exactly what it says on the tin, no fiddly managing your plane, just turn and burn, while tanks gives you basically a marker to show where your shell will go in

Because in those games you kill people for a cause greater than the self. Here it's pure bloody selfishness with no regard for the well-being of others. It's all about the motive.

Financially ruining them can also lead to them committing further crime, or ducking out of legitimate life into the underground, wherein they leech from society while not giving back. Or both. Unfortunately prison isn't a better alternative, because in the US we don't believe in rehabilitation (despite it provably

A very on Poi-nt article. Poi.

I recently had all my major limbs removed, and now type with my tongue. Still better than G-Savior!

Too late. Dukes up. Moon Knight better than both. Many great stories about the possibly insane (well okay definitely insane), maybe super-powered anti-hero.

I no longer like you. You and your garbage porn memes.

His taste in movies is fatally embarrassing. Anybody writing about anything is better than Yannick.

"I very much appreciate the developer admitting that they know their claim is spurious, and that they're simply throwing a tantrum because they can," said Sterling. "I'm sorry their feelings got hurt. I also have been hurt by this, as Skate Man's framerate is incredibly stressful on the eyes. So, we've both got wounds

All I can say is this is karma for your pisspoor taste in movies. Seriously. Transformers was ass. Grow some taste.

Don’t say Leroy Jenkins.

I played the Eves for nine years. The moments of excitement are few and far between, there's a lot of boring logistical maintenance to do, but when you throw a combat ship that it takes you two months of kredit-grind to replace into a fight, it does things to your adrenal glands, similar to wringing a sponge dry in

Invoke her not, Cthulhu's mom is like way worse than the sleeping god beneath the waves. Can you even imagine what gave birth to Big C. ?

You're not a real fan. Lucas was at his best when surrounded by critical thinkers who added to the work. He was at his worst when given absolute power and no revisions or critical input. They are star war films only because they bear the logo and terminology of the SW verse.

And they will have to bend over backwards, crawl through broken glass and the stains of only god knows what in penance before i and many others would consider buying a future Simcity, not born of Maxis, and probably riddled with who knows what kind of anti-consumer bs.

There are mods for Medieval 2 Total War for just about any 'sword and shield' setting. There's already a LOTR mod (Third Age Total War), there was a warhammer fantasy one, there was one to redo Rome in the Medieval 2 engine, with all the improvements M2 brought. In fact there's probably several of each of the above.