
That...that’d be kinda great actually ? ^^

lol, pornstar is a huge step up from creepyass douche ^^

Now playing

I’d recommand watching this before ever using milar:

Some great advice, love it :)

I only have one issue with all of this: the space blanket bivy. Those are utter shit in 90% of cases. They’re really hard to actually use well, and they can actually be more dangerous than nothing.
Best exemple is during fall time, you have ok weather and temp all day, you get lost and end

It’s charming and I LOVE the hood bulge over a 2 cylinder engine lol, but nah, not for me...

I’d like to know more about the rusted out truck thing that’s parked behind tho...

Oh and since we’re at it lol, the only roach laden hostel I’ve ever stayed at was in San Francisco too.

I don’t know in what corner of the Fox News universe you get your european news from, but just stop, you’re wasting your time.

I’ve lived in both the US and europe, and quality of life is just laughable in the US

Yeah but this isn’t a starred restaurant, this is a tourist attraction where you overpay to eat a slab of meat that an internet meme might salt for you if he’s here and not in any of his other overpriced tourist attraction...

ahah, came for this. Yes, it does look really good, will probably get quite a few likes on instagram, but I like to cook food I can then shove into my face. Not throw away after taking pictures because it smells and taste like ass ^^

Here, I’ll live this as an exemple. Prices have gone up a lot in the 6 years since I bought my place, and especially so in the last 2 years as people are fleeing paris to places they can still work in a paris place from:
2br, 860sqft, in the city center, with a closed garage and storage unit... 136k€

I live in a 1k sqf loft a 55min train ride away from Paris, I bought it alone at 28 while working for around 12€ an hour. With 0 downpayment. I was just smart enough to find a job outside of Paris, because after spending 10 years in Paris renting a shitty studio for a third of my salary I was done.
My place cost me

Considering I’d never heard of the game, yeah, from the title I assumed it was something chinese ^^

And I’m done with you, you keep saying the same wrong thing and it’s just annoying.

Ok Grandma, this is Dark Souls 3. You’ll see, it’s fun. :D

Jokes aside this is a really good question... My 89 yr old grandma spends hours a day playing online games, but like, it’s all candy crush type stuff and online scrabble and quizzes with friends. It’s pretty great, keeps her connecting to people, but yeah, I

I’m anyone, and I understood the title perfectly.
Because I know what popular actually means, and understand the word according to it’s definition, not to what other weird thing the word feels like it should mean or whatever the hell your brain is telling you.

Yeah but like, with side hustles, other full jobs, tons of OT...
You can’t actually live off of one salary of 16$ just on 40hr week in places like New York can you?

K then. Bye, person that is wrong :)

It would be misleading because it’s only one product with no competition.
So most popular one thing out of a list of one thing would be dumb as shit. Still true, but dumb as shit.

But there is other games. Quite a few actually ^^.

And again, no, it does not imply the whole world is playing it. It implies it has the most


Yeah, no, that’s it, I’m done. You’re high as fuck and I’m wasting my time.

You seem to be missing the entire point of my first comment, and my last for that matter.

Have you ever been to France ?

That’s how 99% of the businesses are run. Do you expect this giant douche to be better than most CEOs on the planet ?? What do you smoke and can I please have some :D

Your point is very clear, “capitalism sucks”. And I entirely agree. But blaming this guy for doing what literally every companies do in the world is

Then don’t apply to work there. I sure as shit wouldn’t either ^^

One thing tho, “high-end restaurant” chef and “high end steakhouse” chef are wildly, wildly different jobs.

Steak houses are expensive because the raw stuff is expensive. Restaurants are expensive because of the talent of people transforming the raw