
pregame meal ? eating before going out to eat ?
The fuck ??

That girl is completely crazy.

As to the tackiness of eating bread right away ... she sounds light the worst person to ever have a meal with.

I don’t know if your fancy restaurant etiquette is different than ours because I was poor as shit when I lived in the US,

Find some Haribo Dragibus.
All gummy bears suck, but you haven’t lived until you try the actual king of candies.

All the people mentioned are multimillionaires and not even in their 30s.
I don’t think they need advice on what being a functioning adult is from people on the internet lol, they seem to have pretty much figured it out, or simply redifined it better, all on their own.

Ooof, this is sad...
I’d have been on your ass with 50 new players in crappy ships in a matter of minutes back when I played. Drunk cap hunting was a great way to engage new people and make them feel how awesome the game can be ^^

There was an eve dogfighting game that failed too if I remember correctly?
I’m not sure.

But in any case, that’s absolutely impossible to make that an ingame feature.
There isn’t a server in the world that could handle fps dogfighting at the numbers of players Eve has. The biggest fights in Eve had more than 6000 people

Because if there was still tons of ore, and the rorq was slower to mine, you could just make more rorqs and regain efficiency, and it would be even easier to AFK (afk in Eve doesn’t mean actually going away, that’s stupid and doing that will get you killed, but you can watch a movie, chat with bros, do homework, ...

hehe, yeah, those are expensivo ^^
If that makes you feel any better, I got to fly mine like 3 times before it was time to quit lol, after grinding for days to buy it, and fit it like my alliance required it to be fit ^^

Yeah I know, I used to be a FC and supercap pilot in PH (lol, I can’t with that name nowadays :D )
And yeah that was really fun.

Running a protection mafia style scheme in Highsec was fun too, and dunking on smaller alliances for fun and profit as well, but the game really got crazy during wars.
For everyone too, miners

But like, why ?
Without the war the entire game is either pointless, or the economy would collapse.

What’s there to do other than making ships and killing ships in the game ...?
I played for 2 years and the giant wars were the highlight of the entire experience ^^

I mean, you couldn’t really produce capital ships outside of big Null blocks beforehand either... You could work your butt off to make a few over a long period of time, but that’s not really production, that’s just a fun thing to do. It was not an efficient use of game time, economically speaking. Plus using capital

I still have soooo many ships in asset safety somewhere from back when I played...
I should log in and make some sort of competition and gift them out :D

if ships are that scarce, my 50+ subcaps, 2 rorqs, 2 thannies and my Nyx would make for great gifts :)
I’d need to remember my passwords and stuff tho, it’s been a

It’s a pretty nice and entertaining action movie.
Definitely not the smartest out there, but if you have the ability to suspend disbelief for movies (or, you know, if you have some weed around ^^) it’s great :)

The whole point was to paddle back a mile or so from the island. And using the island to make a “cast away” bit of entertainment at the begining of the video.

And doing all of it before nightfall.

Considering I literally never played my OG switch on the TV, I’m good with the update being a better handheld screen instead of 4K. And since I gifted my switch to my niece a while back, it’s perfect ^^

Damn, this is nice !

I’m in a market for an SL500 with less miles and years, buuuuut if this was on my side of the planet, I’d jump on it right away just to see if I can actually live with a car this small as my only car before actually dropping a lot more on the 500 ^^

NP all day, even if the roof is making squeaky

So you went to one of the best food country in the world and ate at a shitty theme restaurant you yourself thought was garbage multiple times just because they had a soda ?

You’re a really, really weird person.

From the way you describe it, the place sounds like one of those big restaurant that borders shopping centers

What are you talking about, you’re not even in the top 10 of oldest countries...

Welcome to the rest of the world’s view ^^

Patriotism is fuckin weird. The only places in the world with as many flags and patriotic shit as you guys are dictatures, because people are forced to do it.
You’re literally the only place on earth with such a hard on for patriotic symbols other than crazy dictatures (which

This logotype especially screams, “Get 4 t-shirts for $12” on Hollywood Blvd.

I’m pretty sure that is the entire point of a city logo ?
I’d assume there is a few million people from around the world that owns I <3 NY shirts. Emulating that massive success is kinda like 100% the point of a city logo ^^

He was an international star before.
Fresh Prince was on TV all over the world. I grew up  in France watching it, and before Independance Day, he was already as well known as the Friends people for exemple. He was by far the biggest star and the biggest draw of the movie over here.