
I’m a filthy pinko socialist. Soooo, commie-adjacent ^^
And as to the realistic view on my insecurities, that took a while to develop.
As new-age hippie-jedi as that sounds, self reflection and self work is important to bring balance into your life ^^

I was gonna wholly disagree but the notification didn’t show the * part ^^
Yeah sure, if it’s hidden, and if it’s an actual human being that interacts with you directly and personnally, it’s iffy af ^^

Everything is right but the weakass engine.
ND at that price.

Parents are weird.
I just buy myself the toys and don’t need any justifications ^^
You don’t have to be ashamed of your inner kid. Get hot wheels, get legos, watch cartoons, ... Life is way too short to be an “adult” for most of it :)

“How about next friday ?”

You were sooooo close, the “drink sometimes?” is just testing the water, but if it is nice, you should jump already, don’t wait until the water moves to another state !

I have !
She was incredibly beautiful, sexy eastern euro accent, we had great sex, and after a few months of happiness, she started showing gold digger tendencies, and getting upset at material stuff about me like how I didn’t have a car, how I should switch jobs because they didn’t pay shit (we met at work and started

1) People can be both dom and sub. It happens. I sure am.
What he did is still shit tho. Talk to your lady ffs, it’s not that hard. You might even find out she’s ok with it. She seems like it anyways, she sounds confused, not angry.
And it’s not fucking interactive porn, it’s multiple years of the same woman. There is a

That’s kinda backwards. Or really late.
In McD in France they did away will all plastics and everything is recyclable paper/cardboard/wood for the ice cream spoons. They did away with straws alltogether too, so no awful soggy paper straws.
I’d really never ever wanna use used fast food shit. That sounds beyond gross.

Depends on the cheese really. Goat cheese goes great with chiken. 

...Have you ever had a McRib ? Because I love ribs, buuuut, yeah no that shit is way too gross. Our euro stomachs can’t handle that level of filth ^^

Everybody but you calls bun dwiches burgers.
And I’ll still blame y’all americans, that calls both just the meat and the sandwich itself a burger, or a hot dog being both the sandwich (or is it ...? ^^) and the sausage in it, as responsible for it because it’s just weird. Y’all suck at naming things.

Why would anybody want a VR6 when you could have the massively unreliable diesel V10 or the oil sultan W12...

Not the V10 TDI ?
I’m kinda sad. Relieved that you seem to have more sense than other people here (Hi David ^^) but sad nonetheless :D 

I didn’t say cheap, I said garbage, as in, used for the shitty stuff that’s ass to clean after.
Mine isn’t cheap, it’s just the only stainless steel thing I have in my kitchen because I am NOT cleaning burnt sugar off of cast iron or enamel lol. But yeah, not cheap, just, dedicated to crappy cooking ^^

It solves the only annoying thing about the process, which is cleaning.
And nah, dremel cleaning is a lot less annoying than cleaning burnt caramel out of the bottom of a pot ^^

Alternatively, you can probably just bain marie your honey jar and do the mixing inside it. It’s probably just easier that way ^^

The new lightsaber they just revealed but won’t sell outside of their dumbass parks until... they haven’t said when. So basically screw every start wars fan in the world. 

The new lightsaber they just revealed but won’t sell outside of their dumbass parks until... they haven’t said when.

You need a garbage pot.
The one to make caramel in, or make maple candy, or I guess hot honey ^^

Do the cooking, let everything dry, and clean it with a dremel with a wirebrush head once in a while.

Make it reversed tho.
Make it only Samantha sticking dildos on the 3 others headstones with a grin on her face, and make the show just softcore porn.

After years of being here, I’ve found that Joan cannot do better than that.
Jez is usually allright, it’s just her that pretty much always seem to have garbage takes on everything.

I didn’t say they were good. Again, really not into the music.

But they are not just popular, they’re immensely popular. that’s the only explanation you should need for your original WTF. They’re an immensely popular band, and that’ll get you 13M people watching a vid of butter melting.
Welcome to the Internet. You seem