
well, that’s wrong ^^
closest I can get to would be sit-tro-ey-n

That’s very true, except a vast majority of your population considers that one of the sexiest accent in the world. I spent 2 years in the US and by the end I was actually making effort not to lose my accent, because it just made everything so easy ^^

Holy crap, I just realized I’ve never heard an american pronunce Citroën.
This is gonna be as much fun as trying to teach my american ex-girlfriend of one year how my name is actually pronunced. French has a couple sounds that doesn’t exist in english (or at least in the limited english americans use) and there is one

Standard typo I didn’t catch, sorry ^^
and yeah, it’s “Danone”, it’s a spanish company based in France now.
In french it’s pronunced almost exactly like how you’d say “Dannon”. Not sure how spanish people say it tho.

I scrolled this entire article (which I don’t give ahoot about ^^) just to say this.

That’s what she looked like before turning herself into a robotic sexdoll ?????

This is super sad. She was gorgeous.

I was wondering why yuou kept misspelling Danone in the article, but apparently they rebranded for the US just so y’all didn’t pronunce it wrong ^^

he’s alive after shooting a cop. Nobody in their right mind is gonna bet on anything else ^^

Please take like, 5 minutes to look up what people actually means by “defund the police”.
Because the only effect a solid police officer like this one would see would be being in better mental and physical shape from having less stressful work days where he doesn’t have to deal with situations he isn’t capable of

That was true decades and decades ago but it’s not anymore. The diamond industry is kinda on its way out, younger people don’t really buy them.

I’m pretty sure it’s for cutting the cheese.
forks are less messy when it comes to stabbing cheese thieves hands on the table. ask for one of those 2 prongs bbq forks next time, they’re the best.

Ok great, you eat the shriveled grapes, I’ll get at the cheese. Deal ?

have you tried working through unhealthy attachment issues while on your back with your dick out?

I banged a therapist once, does that count ? :D
And no, not on the couch, she veto’d that almost instantly ... I was a bit sad ^^

it is wildly stupid. Which is why the article also quotes medical groups of experts on the subject. Did you read it ?

What about the people who have to masturbate in the morning or night? Is that not an addiction?

The fuck ??? no it’s not, it’s just being horny. Nothing will happen if they don’t do it. Nothing will happen if you do it 10 times a day too, if you have the time and incline. And nothing will happen if you stop doing it a

I do know that. Which is why I’m saying Bernie is a failure.
Also SpaceX doesn’t make a profit. It operates on major yearly losses. But yeah, sure, he’s not doing it for the benefit of mankind, he’s doing it for his own weirdo vision of the future.
He’s doing it tho. Y’all stopped.

We’d be doing a helluva lot better by having a space program than by letting a billionaire control it for profit.

I don’t think there is a way I can see it in my country legally without forking for a really expensive “everything but disney and netflix” package I neither want nor need, but I’ll keep an eye for it now that I know it exists :)

You know building rockets is been the prime exemple of science in american culture ever since rockets were invented right ? it’s the actual fucking expression ! And if you don’t consider it science, then fine. But it kinda does enable us to do space research. In a space station. That only 2 entities can get us to,

This is not rocket science.
You know what makes you a generally more productive person ? Being happy.
You know what hallucinogenics do ? makes you happier.

It’s not placebo, it’s just not the “miracle” people make it out to be.
The only factor that’s interesting is actual sustainability. 10% of a recreational dose of LSD

I’m from france, we’ve banned flavored cigs a while back (somewhere in 2019 I think ?). I had been smoking them for about 10 years, and I couldn’t go back to normal cigs after. Menthol were so much better.

Short story shorter, I’m cigarette free for almost a year now. A ban is a good thing.